About Us
The Jefferson College of Health Professions (JCHP) is committed to educating healthcare professionals of the highest quality and ethical standards for contemporary practice in the global community.
The College, representing interprofessional programs across the health professions, offers natural opportunities for students to develop professional behaviors within a community of learners. JCHP offers degrees ranging from a bachelor of science through doctoral level training across several academic departments and programs:
We seek to be responsive to the changing needs of the healthcare system.
- Curriculum is based on a set of core competencies that are essential to effective practice.
- Programs continually make innovative curricular changes to prepare students to function as outstanding health professionals in the dynamic environment of health care.
- Faculty develop learning and training experiences to ensure that you have the knowledge, skills and experience to be an evidence-based practitioner.
- As an integral part of a major academic health center, students have many interprofessional opportunities focused on working together, understanding one another's contributions and effectively communicating in order to provide the best possible care for patients.
Jefferson College of Health Professions was established July 1, 1969 as the College of Allied Health Sciences. Hospital programs in the allied health professions and occupations, which began in 1891, were integrated into a School of Allied Health Sciences in 1967 and into the College of Allied Health Sciences in 1969. The College was renamed the College of Health Professions on December 2, 1996, and again in 2002 to the Jefferson College of Health Professions. In 2006, the College was reorganized to include three independent schools: the School of Health Professions, the School of Nursing, and the School of Pharmacy. On July 1, 2015, each of the schools within Thomas Jefferson University were re-designated as Colleges.
Thomas Jefferson University merged with Philadelphia University on July 1, 2017 to become Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University). On July 1, 2018, Jefferson restructured its academic tracks to better serve the needs of its diverse student body, their educational objectives, and to reflect the merger.