Master of Family Therapy
At a Glance
Clinical Experience
The Program requires 300 hours of direct clinical experience and 100 of those hours must be with relational/systemic. Students receive a minimum of 100 hours of supervision, at least 50 hours will be observable data. Students complete 10-16 hours of clinical practice per week and receive individual, dyadic, and group supervision.
The first-year practicum is designed to help students develop the basic clinical skills and competencies necessary to conduct couple, family, and individual therapy. The second-year practicum help students broaden and integrate advanced clinical skills in working with diverse populations.
Practicum placements are available at a variety of clinical settings in the Philadelphia and surrounding areas in Pennsylvania.
Jefferson’s clinical starts in that sweet spot: the middle of the first year when you’ve had some classroom experience and time with your supervisor. Starting this early gives you more opportunity to integrate clinical experience with early learning, which I think is really important. We would talk through theory and clinical technique in the classroom, through videos and role play during the day, and then immediately apply it in a clinical setting that evening with a client. That’s something you don’t see until the second year in most programs.