At a Glance

  • College

    College of Health Professions

  • Degree

    Bachelor of Science

  • Campus

    Center City

  • Format

    On Campus


The curriculum for our Bachelors of Science Program in Medical Imaging & Radiation Sciences depends on multiple variables:


Students in our 1-Year or Part-Time Programs choose one concentration to study. These program options are:

  • 1-Year Bachelor's
  • Part-Time Advanced Placement BS in Computed Tomography

Students should consult an admissions counselor or a Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences faculty member when choosing their concentration, to determine which is the best option for their future career and/or ensure smooth transition into our Master's Program.

Concentration Options

Students in our 2-Year Dual-Concentration BS Program choose two concentrations and study one each year. We recommend that students study the concentration they are most interested in working in during their second year.

Your curriculum will vary based on when you study a concentration. The Radiation Therapy curriculum is different depending on whether you study it in your first or second year, and can vary depending on the other concentration you choose to study.

Students must consult an admissions counselor or a Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences faculty member when choosing concentrations, to determine which combination is the best option for their future career.

Concentration Options

Year-1 Concentration Year-2 Concentration Choices
Radiography Computed Tomography, Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radiation Therapy*, Abdomen-Extended & OB/GYN (General) Sonography, Vascular Sonography, Cardiac Sonography, Non-imaging track**
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Radiography, Radiation Therapy, Abdomen-Extended & OB/GYN (General) Sonography, Vascular Sonography, Cardiac Sonography, Non-imaging track**
Abdomen-Extended & OB/GYN (General) Sonography Cardiac Sonography, Vascular Sonography, Radiography, Radiation Therapy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radiation Therapy, Non-imaging track**
Cardiac Sonography
Abdomen-Extended & OB/GYN (General) Sonography, Vascular Sonography, Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, Radiography, Magnetic Resonance,  Radiation Therapy, Non-imaging track**
Vascular Sonography Abdomen-Extended & OB/GYN (General) Sonography, Cardiac Sonography, Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, Radiography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radiation Therapy, Non-imaging track**
Radiation Therapy Medical Dosimetry, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Abdomen-Extended & OB/GYN (General) Sonography, Cardiac Sonography, Vascular Sonography, Non-imaging track**

*Preferred pathway into Radiation Therapy is from Radiography but not required.

**All students are eligible for a non-imaging track in Education, Health Information Systems and Health Management after taking any of the above year one concentrations.

A dual-concentration student interested in Computed Tomography, Invasive Cardiovascular Technology and Medical Dosimetry can only take these as a second year option.

Consult an admissions counselor or a Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences faculty member when choosing concentrations to make sure you choose the combination that is right for you.

Please refer to the 1-Year Concentration Options for curriculum descriptions.