This course is an introduction to common health care skills and knowledge used in clinical practice. Presentation of self as care provider to diverse clientele with respect for human rights is emphasized. Contents include but are not limited to vital sign measurement and interpretation, infection control, sterile technique, wound care, urinary catheterization, venipuncture, fetal and uterine external monitoring application, emergency response procedures, therapeutic presence and communication, and skills in team building and patient advocacy. Medical terminology, written and electronic medical records and basic laboratory assessments will be reviewed. Practice and successful return demonstration of selected skills will be done at the student’s first on campus experience.

MS - Midwifery
- East Falls Campus
- College of Health Professions
Degree Earned
Program Length
2-3 years
Program Type
- Hybrid
Program Format
Part-time or Full-time
Bachelor's Degree
Learn more
130 S. Ninth Street, Suite 960
Philadelphia, PA 19107
CM Pathway Curriculum
These are not the only courses required, however it is upon successful completion of these required courses that students will join the next class admitted to the MS in Midwife program.
CM pathway students will take all CM pathway courses in one term as listed below.
Qualified CM pathway students may be eligible for transfer credit or credit by exam according to our admission policies and approval by the admissions committee. This is determined after all application materials are received and reviewed by the admissions committee.
Note: A student who does not successfully complete one or more of the CM pathway courses will not progress to the MS in Midwifery program and will be dismissed from the program. A student can petition academic council for review of circumstances leading to the failure and request an opportunity to retake the course(s). If the petition is granted, the student will be placed on a performance contract and will be eligible to retake the course(s) at the next term they are offered. Failure on retake is an automatic dismissal.
This on-campus laboratory session will complement the on-line course CMW-635 by demonstration and practice of hands-on basic health skills. After instruction and practice, students will demonstrate accurate and complete assessment of patient vital signs, and proper technique in the following clinical interventions: infection control, aseptic techniques, urinary catheterization, venipuncture, initiation of intravenous fluids and medications, and parenteral medication administration. Additionally, students will demonstrate correct use of medical terminology, beginning skills in documentation of patient care and presentation, and therapeutic use of self in simulated clinical situations.
The effects of various environments of care on social dynamics between health care providers and patients will be explored. Theories of stress and coping and shared leadership will be addressed. Environments examined will include: home, office/clinic, hospital/health care institution, and care in place – disaster/emergency care. Available resources in each environment and the evidence supporting their use or misuse will be discussed. Observational clinical experiences in a variety of environments will be described and analyzed via reflective journals and asynchronous seminar discussion. Midwifery role and scope of practice in the various environments will be highlighted. Identifying local health care providers and resources for future practice referrals situates midwifery care in a system which provides for needs of women and their families ranging from simple to complex.
This course will examine concepts of health and illness at various stages of human development. The midwifery model of care and the midwifery management process will be introduced as frameworks guiding care practices. Wellness care and complementary integrated approaches will be discussed. Selected common health alterations at every life phase will be explored, with emphasis on the midwife’s role for independent or collaborative management or referral. The plan of care for these clients – including further testing or assessment, therapeutics and educational needs - will be examined. Problem based learning scenarios will serve as the stimulus for identifying learning needs and developing midwifery care strategies.