MS in Cardiovascular Perfusion
Program Contact
Accepted Students
Congratulations on your acceptance to Jefferson!
Please review the requirements listed below before you start your classes. Failure to complete the prerequisite requirements will result in denied access to Canvas/Banner on the first day of class. If you have any questions about completing these requirements, please contact IEHP at IEHP-Info@Jefferson.edu or at 215-503-1111.
Please complete the following:
Due Date: Listed on acceptance letter
To confirm your enrollment, please follow the steps outlined below.
You will receive two emails from enroll@jefferson.edu within 24 hours of your acceptance. The first will contain your Banner ID and log-in instructions. The second will be your PIN.
- Once you received your login information proceed to the Banner Web to log in
- Enter your Banner ID and PIN
- Select the link: Confirm Your Entrollment and follow the instructions
- Part of confirming your enrollment is ensuring the University has the necessary information for you to receive Financial Aid, complete the pre-matriculation process and receive your campus key which is needed to access campus technology. If you are missing this information, please click on the Submit Your Missing Information link and follow the instructions.
If you do not have a Social Security number, please contact the Admissions Office at enroll@jefferson.edu or call 215-503-2800.
It’s important all students review and update their HOME and LOCAL ADDRESSES, as well as EMERGENCY CONTACT information on a regular basis.
To do so, log on to Banner Web and click on the Personal Information link.
All students admitted to Thomas Jefferson University are required to complete and submit pre-matriculation health requirements no later than 30 days prior to the first day of class. The Jefferson Occupational Health Network (JOHN) oversees the Medical Records process.
The following background screening will also be tracked through Complio. Please create an account (if you haven't done so already) and follow these instructions. For FBI fingerprinting, please use service code 1KG6ZJ.
The $135.00 package will contain these services:
- Social Security Trace
- Nationwide Sex Offender Check
- State and County criminal searches
- FBI Fingerprinting (Please use service code: 1KG6ZJ)
- Pennsylvania Child Abuse Registry
- Drug screen 10 Panel + EXP OPI
Due Date: 4 weeks before classes start
- All matriculated students must maintain health insurance (Dental insurance is optional)
- If you have health insurance coverage, please submit your waiver.
- Learn more about health and dental insurance.
Due Date: By first day of class
At the completion of all outstanding prerequisites, have an official transcript mailed to:
Office of Admissions
130 South 9th Street, Suite 100
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Due Date: ASAP
Once everything is completed, you can register for class.
- Log into Banner Web and click student tab.
- To search for your course name, click Look Up Classes
- To register for your courses, click Registration and Select Term
- Use the dropdown menu to indicate the term of your registration and click on Add or Drop Classes.
- At the bottom of this screen you will see several empty boxes to enter the 5-digit CRN (Course Reference Number) and register for those classes.
- You can click the Class Search button or confirm with your advisor regarding the appropriate CRN.
- Enter the numbers and click Submit Changes to register.
Due Date: By first day of class
Pay your tuition and fees in Banner Web. Visit the tuition page for more information.
JeffConnect services will automatically be provided for all enrolled students for a minimal $6.00 per semester. If you do NOT wish to use JeffConnect, you may opt-out of the service following these instructions:
- Log on to Banner Web
- Select Personal Information
- Select JeffConect Enrollment
- Click the Unrolled radio button
- Click Submit
Please review the IEHP Perfusion Program Student Handbook (PDF) before the first day of class.
Complete the Pediatric Rotation Verification Form (Word).