News & Events


The College of Humanities and Sciences is pleased to announce the winners of the Excellence in Writing Awards for the academic years 2019-20 and 2020-21! Traditionally an annual event to celebrate the excellent writing done in the first and second-year writing courses, this announcement covers the past two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Collage image with huge US at night with city lights from the outer space from the ISS window. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

Four projects from Philadelphia will become part of the first-ever private mission to the International Space Station.


Examining contemporary Italy through literature, film, and fashion.


Research has shown that Pennsylvania is by far the highest in funding inequality between the highest and lowest-income school districts of all 50 states. Funding students based on their need is the first step to reducing decades of inequality. But changing the focus within the classroom is another, says Anahid Modrek, assistant professor in the department of Psychology.


Jefferson’s Writing Program has won a Certificate of Excellence from the college section of the National Council of Teachers of English, the Conference on  College Composition and Communication. The certificate has been awarded for Jefferson’s series of interlinked undergraduate writing courses that East Falls undergraduates take as part of the Hallmarks Core Program. 


Enhancing our understanding of animals at the intersection of multiple disciplines. 


The Law and Society Honor Society, less than a year old, is already having an impact.


Letrell Crittenden Talks Racial Violence in the News - Philly Tribune

Between the Fake News in search of facts. 3d illustration.

Law and society program director breaks down Section 230 debate.