Student Experiences
- Program Director
- Associate Professor
JeffInvest Finance Club:
JeffInvest is a student-run organization whose mission is to educate the student body on financial and investment-related concepts to empower students to take control of their finances. The group meets throughout the academic year, inviting guest speakers and keeping a full slate of finance-related programming. Recent highlights include a stock market simulation (with prizes for the best portfolios) and in-depth discussion of personal finance, investing, and more.
Student Managed Investment Fund:
Many universities have some kind of student investment fund, but Jefferson is unique in that management of the fund is integrated into the Finance curriculum. All Finance majors are required to engage actively in the oversight of the Student Managed Investment Fund, a $70,000 stock portfolio. Students get hands-on experience analyzing existing holdings, finding new investment opportunities, and studying the positioning of the portfolio in the context of the macroeconomic landscape. The Fund is a valuable learning tool for applying concepts learned in the program.
Finance Industry Visits:
Finance students have the opportunity to attend faculty-led visits to finance industry firms both locally in Philadelphia and also in New York. The visits were a great opportunity for students to engage with industry professionals, including our own alumni. Students hear from industry professionals about their firms and the work they do. The discussions are always wide-ranging, with topics including career advice, the state and direction of the economy, and more.
The Thomas Jefferson University School of Business provides students with unique and curated co-curricular experiences to complement their classroom work. Business Plus programs aid in hard wiring into our students the idea of discovery and knowledge acquisition. These experiences truly set our students apart in their career pursuits.