Dean's Message
Message from the JCLS Dean on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
The creativity that drives innovation and scientific progress thrives upon a diversity of ideas and of approaches to solving the increasingly complex challenges we face as a community. The benefits of greater scientific understanding of the world we inhabit, and indeed of our very selves, go far beyond the intellectual satisfaction of knowledge for its own sake. Scientific progress and understanding also provide the means for continual improvement of the human condition through enhancing our health and wellness, both as individuals and as a global community. The opportunity to become engaged in the exciting adventure of scientific discovery should be inclusive of all, just as the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and resulting practical applications should be equitably extended to all. Therefore, the Jefferson College of Life Sciences is committed to the cultivation and maintenance of a diverse, inclusive, supportive and welcoming community of scholars, formed through the collegial and respectful participation of our faculty, staff, students and fellows in our programs of education, training, discovery, and community engagement. At Jefferson, “Together we discover. Together we innovate. Together we lead.”
Please join us on our journey, and together, we will indeed succeed in attainment of the central Jefferson mission, “We Improve Lives.”
Gerald B. Grunwald, PhD
Dean, Jefferson College of Life Sciences