Career Enhancements
Local & Regional Opportunities
Business Plan Competitions & Hackathons
Check your BizBio Newsletter for upcoming events, or join our email list.
BizBio members think differently and they are not alone. BizBio collaborates with the Center for Career Success, the Innovation Pillar, the JCLS Alumni Association, and others to achieve our shared goals.
University City Science Center
This organization is a mission driven non-profit in the greater Philadelphia area that fosters a community of innovators and scientists. They provide a variety of informational programs, workshops, and networking opportunities to support scientific entrepreneurship and the local STEM community.
Venture Café Philadelphia
In collaboration with the University City Science Center, Venture Café Philadelphia partners with local companies and organizations specializing in education, social justice, technology, and science. Events including connecting with colleagues, local leaders, and potential employers by attending pitch nights, workshops, seminars, and their weekly Thursday Gathering. Throughout the year, BizBio organizes trips to the Thursday Gathering. Check your newsletter for upcoming trips.