Graduate Student Association
Professional Programming
The GSA also works closely with the Alumni Association to bring in speakers from various science careers, enabling students to explore different career paths. The GSA sponsors a Women in Science seminar series, as well as a Bridging the Gap seminar series to promote the bench-to-bedside aspect of research.
Students and postdocs sign up to meet professionals on a personal, one on one level. These professionals work in a wide array of career paths, including, drug discovery, grants administration, industry postdoc, undergraduate teaching, medical writing, and many more. The aim of the event is to give our graduate students and postdoctoral fellows a unique chance to build connections for professional growth and development as well as for the professionals to offer any job opportunities.
The GSA hosts science professionals from an array of professional backgrounds to come and talk about their career paths. This is a great opportunity to find out what careers could be right for you as well as network with professionals and alumni in those careers.
Previous site visits include trips to GSK and Monell Chemical Senses institute.
Ideas to go somewhere? Please email gsa@jefferson.edu with suggestions.
Career Resources from Dr. Lisa Kozlowski, JCLS Associate Dean for Student and Postdoctoral Affairs
myIDP - An interactive, online career-planning tool and individual development plan (IDP)