All applicants must submit their application through PharmCAS. PharmCAS typically opens in July and will close for Jefferson on June 1. Applications must be complete before the Admissions Committee will review. Applicants are encouraged to complete their application early in the admission cycle to optimize their opportunity for seat availability.

901 Walnut Street
Suite 901
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Application Process
PharmCAS application, verified transcript, 2 letters of reference. Once transcripts have been submitted, PharmCAS will verify it, this could take up to 2 weeks.
A competitive application reflects an individual with the ability to perform well academically, specifically in the prerequisite science courses, while managing a full course load; has evidence of contributing to their college community; and evidence of a commitment to assisting others. The committee considers a cumulative GPA > 3 and a course load > 12 credit hours to be competitive.
Jefferson requires two references, preferably an academic science professor or pharmacist. We do not accept the following references unless they served as a supervisor or in a professional role: politician, friends, co-workers, clergy, etc.
Individuals should be professionally dressed and arrive on time. If there is an arrival delay, it is helpful to communicate that information. Individuals are encouraged to practice interviewing before the scheduled date. Individuals should watch for Jefferson emails and communicate in a timely manner.
Once the application is complete it will be forwarded to the Admission Committee for review. Following admissions review, invitations will be sent by email for those identified for an interview. This generally occurs within 2 weeks.
Ideally the process will begin about a year and a half before your first day of pharmacy school. Your best chance to be in the next pharmacy class is to complete the admissions process by December.
Example timeline:
- July through September – Submit PharmCAS Application
- September through November – Interview Preparation
- September through December – Interveiw at Jefferson
- Following Offer – Send deposit to Jefferson
- August – Begin the Doctor of Pharmacy Program
Prerequisite Information
Yes, ideally by the end of the Summer 1 term. All pre-requisites must be completed before beginning the PharmD program.
Yes if the course is accepted by another college or university and appears on that transcript.
No, but in order to fulfill the requirements prior to starting the program, you will need to have approximately 50% of them complete (or be enrolled in) at the time of application.
Please note that ALL science courses require a laboratory component.
Yes, courses may be taken at any accredited college or university. You are advised to confirm that the course will meet the intent of the requirement prior to taking it. You may look at our course equivalency guides, or call University Admissions Office, Center City, at 215-503-8890.
General Information
It will take you a minimum of 4 years to earn your Doctor of Pharmacy degree at Jefferson.
There are many websites that provide information. Here are a few sites you might want to check out:
Both are fully accredited. Thomas Jefferson University is accredited by Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council on Pharmacy.
The class size is 75 students.
On average each semester of the program contain courses accounting for ~ 17 credit hours. Classes are scheduled every day of the week. The timing of classes is dependent upon the semester you are in.
The first three years of the program you will include an Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE). These occur during the semester rather than during the summer break.
Foreign transcripts should be submitted for evaluation to WES and then included in your PharmCAS application. English translation is required.
Yes, any foreign transcripts should be submitted to WES for evaluation and translation into English. Upon receipt this information will need to be uploaded into your PharmCAS application.
For individuals with fewer than 60 credit hours taken in the US, the TOEFL exam will be required.