Members are involved in a variety of activities that engage the community and promote the pharmacy profession. These activities include screenings and information to raise awareness of the critical role pharmacists play in shaping the direction of health care. By hosting community health fairs, information on diabetes, heartburn and high blood pressure is easily accessible to the community.

Student Activity
Student Activities & Organizations
Thomas Jefferson University has a number of service, social and professional organizations available for all students.. The organizations include student chapters of pharmacy professional organizations such as: American Managed Care Pharmacist (AMCP), American Pharmacist Association (APhA-ASP), Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy (SSHP) and International Society for Pharmacoeconomic and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), a multidiscipline professional organization.
Other activities student pharmacists often engage in include: Leadership Live, Health Mentors, Schwartz Rounds and Bridging the Gaps. These activities offer students an opportunity to engage with students in other Jefferson programs while learning and developing personal awareness and skills.
Jefferson student pharmacists lead their chapters to inform students about the organization, participate in the advancement of student roles within the organization and integrate with current members of the organization at the local, regional and national level. Participation in these organizations provides the student pharmacist an opportunity to become more aware of key issues in the profession, to serve the profession on regional and national committees and serve the local community, all of which potentially shape their career path.
In addition, the Student Body Governance (SBG) serves all students in the College of pharmacy. This organization focuses on providing professional development and social programming encouraging students within different classes to interact and get to know each other.
This organization promotes sound-managed care pharmacy principles through educational, professional and social development of its student pharmacist members.
This society serves to link students interested in pharmacoeconomics and members of the pharmaceutical industry, health-related organizations and academia.
This organization enhances students’ experiences both professionally and socially.
The society increases student awareness of pharmacy practices in health systems; provides information to students about career directions and credentials needed for pharmacy practice in health systems; and encourages membership and participation in the respective regional affiliate, the Pennsylvania State Society and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.