Meet DO-MPH Student Megan Barrett

Where are you from originally?
I was born in the Philadelphia suburbs and have lived in this area for most of my life. I’ve lived in a few other places, but as my mom likes to joke, few people ever permanently leave Philly.

Why did you choose Jefferson?
I came to Jefferson as a dual-degree doctor of osteopathic medicine and master of public health student from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. I had known for a long time that I wanted to get an MPH, and I was thrilled to learn about it and be accepted into the PCOM-Jefferson linkage program.

What is the best part of your studies?
I love the people in the MPH program at Jefferson. I’ve met classmates from different career paths and parts of the world, and the professors are incredibly genuine and supportive. I’ve made some great friends and colleagues along the way.

Tell us about an award you recently received.
I won second place out of 544 submissions toward the Asano Humanities and Health Certificate for a piece of digital artwork I created highlighting imposter syndrome in medical students.

What’s something people would be surprised to find out about you?
In 2017, I started curling (yes, the ice sport with the brooms). I have played in multiple “bonspiels” (tournaments) along the East Coast.