Jefferson Humanities & Health Programs

Asano Humanities & Health Certificate

The Asano Humanities & Health Certificate is a co-curricular program that rewards sustained engagement in arts and humanities activities throughout the academic year. All Jefferson students are invited to complete the certificate by attending eight (8) Jefferson Humanities & Health events and completing a reflection portfolio of four (4) reflection prompts.

Register for the 2024-2025 Asano Humanities & Health Certificate

The deadline to attend events and submit portfolio requirements is Monday, April 7, 2025, 11:59 p.m.

(If you are a second-year SKMC student completing Asano as credit towards JMD 252, your deadline is Friday, December 6, 2024, 11:59 p.m.)

Read on below for more information about the requirements, FAQ, and more.

Questions? Reach out to Kirsten Bowen, Humanities Program Coordinator.

How Do I Earn an Asano Humanities & Health Certificate


Though registration is not binding, it sets an intention of completion for yourself and it puts you on our radar so we can better track your attendance and be in touch. Registration remains open year-round. 

Attend Eight Events

This is the fun part! You get to attend our rich array of programming and partner events that explore music, multi-media art, medical ethics, narrative medicine, and more. You have until the deadline to attend eight (8) events from the Jefferson Humanities & Health event calendar at Eligible events are marked with an asterisk (*).

Note: Four (4) of your eight (8) events can also come from participation with certain student organizations and university programs. See below to learn more about participating orgs. 

If you are seeking the Anti-Racism in Health Focus, four (4) out of your eight (8) Asano event credits must come from a specific list of Anti-Racism in Health discussion-based events. Learn more and review the event offerings.

Complete the Portfolio Process

Enter the eight events you attended (with a three sentence description).

Complete four (4) reflections in response to four (4) different events that you attended throughout the year. Explore the portfolio guidelines (PDF) and see example reflections below.

Event attendance and reflections can be submitted as you go, but you must submit all eight descriptions and four reflections by the deadline of Monday, April 7, 2024, 11:59 PM.

Where to upload? Both Event Attendance and Reflections will be uploaded to the Jefferson Humanities & Health organization on Canvas (in the Assignments Module) by the deadline.

SKMC Students earning the Asano Certificate as credit for JMD 153/252 will have different and additional deadlines, including a reflection assignment required for all humanities selectives. This assignment will be administered using ExamSoft. Further instructions will be emailed to all JMD 153/252 registrants; visit the Asano module of the JMD 153/252 Canvas course page for more information about this requirement.

Submit by Deadline

Submit your completed portfolio (Event Attendance and Reflections) for review  through Canvas by Monday, April 7, 2025, 11:59 p.m.


Celebrate with friends and classmates during a special certificate awards event in late April!

Anti-Racism in Health Focus

As a participant in the Asano Humanities & Health Certificate program, you have the option to earn the Anti-Racism in Health Focus. To earn this "Focus," four (4) out of your eight (8) Asano event credits must come from a specific list of Anti-Racism in Health discussion-based events, exploring race and medicine, environmental racism, health inequity, and more. 

When you register for the Asano Certificate, check the box that marks your interest in the Focus (this is not binding). Read on about this new Focus, and the discussion-based event offerings.

FAQs & Student Organizations

Q: What is this and why should I do this?

A: The Asano Humanities & Health Certificate is a co-curricular program that rewards your engagement in the arts and humanities and complements your formal course of study. Completion of the program signifies your effort toward becoming a healthcare professional who considers how the arts and humanities can cultivate close observation, communication, empathy, and reflection on the social contexts of wellbeing. Though all Jefferson Humanities & Health programs and events are free and open to the Jefferson community, registering for Asano means that you are committed to attending eight events and completing four reflections (and that you will have an opportunity to celebrate your achievement with us at the end of the academic year!). 

Participating in the Asano certificate program is a great way to motivate yourself to attend some incredible programs on campus, connect with a community of students similarly committed to the humanities, find personal enrichment, and expose yourself to content that you might not find elsewhere at Jefferson.  

SKMC students: You also might want to do Asano because it can count as one of your two Humanities Selective Credits (JMD 153/252).

Q: Does it matter what college I am in?

A: NO! The Asano Humanities & Health Certificate is open to all students in all colleges and programs, on all Jefferson campuses.

Q: What is the time commitment?

A: You have the entire academic year (until April 7, 2025) to attend eight programs and complete your reflections. Programs and events are usually one or two hours long, so you’re looking at 12-ish hours of programming plus the amount of time it will take you to thoughtfully respond to the reflection prompts (all of which can be spread out over the academic year).

JMD 153/252 students, please be aware that you will have an earlier midterm deadline at which half of your reflections are due. Please confirm your deadlines and requirements in the JMD 153/252 Credit Overview page in the Humanities & Health Canvas course and plan your reflection-process accordingly.

Q: If I start attending Asano events do I have to complete the Certificate?

A: Registration for and participation in Asano are not binding, i.e., you can stop at any point! 

If you are an SKMC student participating in Asano for Humanities Selective credit then please check with Education Coordinator Marcie Mamura before making the decision to drop Asano.

Q: Where can I find upcoming events? How often is the calendar updated?

A: All upcoming events can be found on the Humanities & Health website at The calendar is updated regularly (typically at least once per week) as programs are added. Any cancellations or postponements will also be noted as soon as possible.

Q: The student organization I am a part of is not listed under eligible organizations even though its content is related to arts and the humanities. Can my participation still count towards the Asano certificate?

A: Maybe! Reach out to Kirsten Bowen, Humanities Program Coordinator to see if it can count. Glad that you know that student organization participation can count for four out of eight of your events!

Q: I or my student organization have an upcoming event. Can it be eligible for Asano credit?

A: If your event supports student involvement in the arts and humanities, and/or highlights the social contexts of health and wellness, the lived experiences of diverse individuals and communities, or self-care for health professionals, it may be eligible for Asano credit. Please fill out this request form for Asano event eligibility and we will respond as soon as we can. Credit should be requested at least a week in advance from the event.

Q: Can I get this certificate more than once?

A: You can complete the Asano program as many times as you would like. However, SKMC students can only earn Humanities Selective credit for Asano once.

Q: Do events I attended in year's past roll over?

A: All Asano events that you attend for credit must be within the same academic year in which you are participating in the Asano Certificate program. So no, events you attended in past years do not count.

Q: What happens to the feedback you have received over the years? Do you integrate it?

A: Great question! We so appreciate the feedback that we have received in the year-end feedback form and from our cohort of Asano Student Advisory Committee members. 

For AY24-25, here are some programmatic elements we will be implementing in response to your feedback:

  • More streamlined process for participants to mark their attendance at events and track their progress. 
  • Attendance surveys will now be filled out in the Assignments module on the Jefferson Humanities & Health Canvas so that participants can also keep track in Canvas of which events they have attended. 
  • We previously used the Qualtrics survey platform in addition to Canvas, and students told us that this was confusing at times. We hope centralizing attendance in Canvas provides for a smoother experience with more ability for participants to directly access their past attendance record. 

Q: Do I need to choose four different reflection prompts for each of my four reflections?

A: Nope! You can respond to whichever prompts you wish, as many times as you wish. I.e. you can respond to one prompt four times.

Q: I really loved a specific event. Can I reflect on it in four different ways for my four reflections?

A: We are so glad you loved an event this much! Unfortunately, we are looking for your four reflections to be in response to four unique events.

Q: Can the creative piece be something I already made or photographed?

A: We love that you want to share something you created previously, but the reflections should be inspired by or made in response to an Asano program you attend, and so your submission should be a new piece. 

Four (4) of your eight (8) events can come from participation in certain student organizations and university programs (below). You can mark your attendance for student group participation here.

  • The Arrhythmias
  • Diversity Council
  • Jefferson Chamber Orchestra
  • Jefferson Chapter of the American Geriatrics Society
  • JeffLGBTQ
  • JeffMentors
  • JeffSOAR
  • JeffYES
  • JeffVotes
  • J-Jams
  • Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA)
  • The Lymph Notes
  • No One Dies Alone (NODA)
  • NoRx Improv
  • Palliative Care Interest Group
  • The Story Initiative

Other initiatives and programs:

  • Gold Humanism Honor Society
  • Inside Out Editorial Committee
  • JCLS DEI Journal Club
  • Knitting and Crocheting Group
  • Physician Executive Leadership (PEL) events or PEL+ program
  • TimeSlips

Reach out to Kirsten Bowen, Humanities Program Coordinator, if you have questions about an organization that is not listed.

Note: Student organization meetings and events must be registered through OSLE in order to count toward the certificate.

Celebrating the 2022-2023 Asano Humanities & Health Certificate Recipients

We congratulate the 102 Jefferson students—representing College of Architecture and the Built Environment, College of Life Sciences, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, College of Public Health, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Kanbar College of Design, Engineering & Commerce and Sidney Kimmel Medical College—who earned the Asano Humanities & Health Certificate this academic year 2022-2023. Their yearlong engagement in programs promoting humanism in healthcare is an inspiration to us and a testament to their future work as caring, reflective and critically engaged professionals.

Here are some of the Asano reflections that were chosen by our review committee for special recognition. Congratulations!

Mallika Kodavitganti, SKMC ‘26, Architecting Movement

Elisheva Khalfin Elbaz, JCN '23, I am ambivalent about how to actually be a human in a body

Jesse Delaney, JCN ‘23, Soundtrack to Your Life playlist

Carly Onofrio, SKMC ‘26, The Bean-Nighe in Medicine

Lily Zhang, SKMC ‘26, You See

Sandra Yang, SKMC ‘26, The Rehearsal


To receive credit for attending an Asano-eligible event, you will be asked to fill out the attendance form for the event you attended.

The attendance forms will be available on our Canvas page in the Attendance Forms Module. For Humanities & Health sponsored events, the form may be shared in the Zoom chat or displayed as a QR code.

Big FYI: when you list your eight events on Canvas, you will be asked to provide a three-sentence description of the event in your own words. These event descriptions can be submitted as assignments on Canvas as you go.

Please note: Registering for Asano is regarded as implicit agreement with an honor code system. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that they only request credit for events that they have indeed attended.

Featured image: "Grandpa Came in 1960 on a Student Visa" by Zoe Wong, SKMC Class of 2023.

Reflection Portfolio Guidelines

To earn the Asano Certificate, you must complete the Event Attendance and Reflection Portfolio in the Assignments Module on Canvas by the deadline of Monday, March 25, 2024, 11:59 PM.

Please prepare and submit a reflection portfolio of four (4) reflections in response to four (4) different Jefferson Humanities & Health events that you attended. For each reflection, you will have a choice of five possible prompts. Event attendance and reflections can be submitted as you go, but you must submit all eight descriptions and four reflections by the deadline.

Students earning the Asano Certificate as credit for JMD 153/252 will also need to complete, in addition to the portfolio of four reflections, a reflection assignment required for all humanities selectives. This assignment will be administered using ExamSoft. Further instructions will be emailed to all JMD 153/252 registrants; visit the Asano module of the JMD 153/252 Canvas course page for more information about this requirement.

Explore the guidelines for completing the reflection portfolio to learn more about the prompt options, the word limit requirement, the format, and more. Also, see below for exemplary reflection responses.


Reflection Examples

Explore exemplary reflections written by past Asano certificate recipients, organized by the five prompt options.

Featuring writing and creative works by Ayano Endo, Victoria Coaxum, Iman Soliman, Lauren Thaete, and Stanley Szeto.

Featuring reflections by David Bales, Reilly Scott, Dunia Tonob, and Madeleine Kilimnik.

Featuring reflections by Brigitte Anderson, Brianna Kunes, Andrew Jordan, and Emily Huang.

Featuring reflections by Kelly Garrigan, Lyena Birkenstock, and Nellie Shields.

Featuring reflections by Kelly Garrigan, Lyena Birkenstock, and Nellie Shields.



Reach out to Kirsten Bowen, Humanities Program Coordinator.

Featured art by Zoe Wong, SKMC Class of 2023.