Friday, April 4
Block H | 8:30-9:45 a.m.
BLSB 101
Eating disorders and exclusion: how diagnosis, treatment, and research are shaped by whiteness
Gloria Fall
The Capsule: Fostering Community Through Health Narratives
Serena Bhaskar
On Page: Poetry in Conversation Throughout Intern Year
Anneka Johnston
Building Bridges: Photovoice as a Methodology for Caring with Others
Courtney Tyler
An Art and Storytelling Activity for Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Patients
Sujal Manohar
SHH: Students Paving the Way
Faith Chadwick, Alexis Nguyen
Chronic Illness and Medical Errors: Lessons from Patient Narratives
Nafisa Hussein
BLSB 105
Epidemics, Health Disparities, and Racial Justice
Abi Stephens, Kalimah Ibrahiim, and Robin McCrary
Hamilton 505
Ethical Medical Practice Through Theater
Joelle Roberston-Preidler
Block I | 10:15-11:30 a.m.
BLSB 101
Teaching and Learning through the Arts in Medical Education—An Interdisciplinary Roundtable
Joanna Chan, Julia Clift, Josh Robinson, Elizabeth Spudich, Teresa VanDenend Sorge, Megan Voeller
BLSB 105
Elective Psychiatric Disability in Narratives of Treatment Refusal
Julia Knopes
The Rise of Climate Anxiety and Physician Advocacy
Sara Press
Healing in the Gallery: Exhibit Curation in an Undergraduate Health Humanities Course
Jess Libow, Jasmeen Basra, Olivia Davis, Yarra Ellett
BLSB 107
Novel Approaches to Public Health: Literary Constructions of Biopolitical Management
Lorenzo Servitje, Rachel Conrad Bracken, and Matthew Reznicek
Hamilton 505
NNLM Book Discussion: Supporting Interprofessional and Institutional Health Literacy
Liz Morris
Humanities in Medicine: The Impact of Art on Medical Education
Harini Venkataganesh
Bridging Health Humanities and Clinical Practice in Pediatric Advocacy
Samantha Tsang
How can natural history museums reconcile an imperial past and provide humans a healing connection to nature?
Nina Stoyan-Rosenzweig
Detransition narratives: Positioning care as an institution of harm
Bryce Ross
Out of the hospital, in and with the community: mural discussions as spaces for community building and medical education
Erin O’Callaghan
From Sanctuary to Surveillance: Fear of Police as a Barrier to Medical Care
Jessica L. Olivares
Block J | 1:30-2:45 p.m.
BLSB 101
Blurring boundaries through improv and theatre in healthcare education and practice
Kathleen Van Buren, Kit Kough, Tane Danger, Jessica Koball, Bob Hyde, Luqman Ellythy, Sarah Mensink
BLSB 105
Humanities in Medical Education: The Institutional Challenges of Critical Medical Humanities
Bernice L. Hausman, Nancy E. Adams, Katharine Dalke, Priscilla Song, Britta Thompson, Rebecca Volpe
BLSB 107
Skin Deep Inequities: Unraveling the Socioeconomic Strain on Chronic Skin Conditions and Healthcare Disparities
Baylee Smith
Medical Student Musician Collaboration with the Ben Taub Cupcake Man Project
Jessica Fan, Madeline Blum
Living Through Literature: Translational Skills in an M4 Course on Memoirs of Dying, Death, and Grief
Brooke Kowalke
The Hidden Heartbeat of Health Justice
Nargish Patwoary
Assessing Medical Students' Readiness to Discuss Spirituality with Patients
Sarah Stevens
Holistic Elements of End-of-Life Decision-Making in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Gwendolyn Richner, Daniel Grossoehme, Sarah Friebert, Michael Forbes, Christopher Page-Goertz, Miraides Brown, Julie Aultman
Collaborative Charting: A Method to Combat Stigmatizing Language in Medical Records
Akshaya Ramakrishnan
Hamilton 505
Institutionalizing the Parallel Chart: From Narrative Medicine Innovation to Required Clinical Experience
Margaux Danby, Claire Clark, April Hatcher, Raven Piercey
Decolonizing Asylum Medicine: the Ethics of Representation in Forensic Medical Affidavit Writing for Asylum Seekers
Alexandria Yap
Premodern Culture and the Ethics of Institutionalized Care
Kate Crassons
Block K | 3:15-4:30 p.m.
BLSB 101
Bridging Paradigms: The role of Kuhnian incommensurability in complementary and alternative medicine and allopathic medical education
Tony Kim
Bibliometric Analysis of Medical Humanities and Health Humanities Using Biblioshiny and VOSviewer
Douglas Dechow and Moses Boudourides
Lost in Translation: Strategies to integrate health humanities into clinical education experiences in rehabilitation sciences
Michele “Shelly” Lewis, Sarah Blanton
BLSB 105
Camden Faith and Mental Health Work Group: Working with Healing Institutions in Urban Communities
Abyson Kalladanthyil, Lindsey Nguyen
Protecting Vulnerable Patient Populations: The Belmont Report and the Institutionalization of Ethical Research Standards
Kriszta Sajber
Attending to Maternal Isolation: A Narrative Medicine Intervention
Katie Grogan, Annie Robinson
BLSB 107
Reflective Writing as Collective Action
Arielle Levine
Hamilton 505
Educator Perspectives on Knowledge, Skills, and Values Components of Medical/Health Humanities Education: Focus Group Study Results
Craig M. Klugman, Erin Gentry Lamb, S. Eli McCormick, Patricia Luck
Block L | 4:45-6:00 p.m.
BLSB 101
Audre Lorde’s “A Burst of Light:” a Lesson in Chronic Illness, ‘Alternative’ Clinics, and Structural Competence
Wendy Nielsen
Do the health humanities have a place in nursing curricula?
Alicia Kachmar
Imagining Broader Roles for the Humanities: A New Oral History Training Curriculum to Improve Resident Communication Skills
Britt Dahlberg
BLSB 105
Self-Diagnosis of Autism in Online Communities
Bilal Rehman
To be a Sick Healer: Stories of Disabled and Chronically Ill Medical Students
MaryElena Sumerau
Dismantling Ableism in Nursing Education through Spoken Word Poetry
Sabrina Jamal-Eddine
BLSB 107
Care Work as Care Webs: Reimagining care institutions through art making with community-based providers
Rocio Pichon-Riviere, Jennifer Syvertsen, Juliet McMullin, Cynthia Huerta
Hamilton 505
Selling Sanity: Diachronic Explorations of Rhetoric in Pharmaceutical Marketing
Adriana Rodriguez-Alfonso
Investigating the Institutional Dimensions of Autopathographies: The Case of Twenty-First-Century Schizophrenia Memoirs
David Lombard
Confronting Subjectivity: Humanistic Interventions in Psychiatric Education
Akshatha Silas