- Chair
- Professor
4201 Henry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Ronson 210
This 719-square-foot classroom is dedicated to clinical exercise physiology testing. It houses a ParvoMedics TrueOne 2400 Metabolic cart with a TrackMaster® Treadmill, a Monark 828E SubMax VO2 Cycle Ergometer, Nasiff CardioCard® ECG Resting/Stress Testing Bluetooth® System, diagnostic ultrasound units, blood glucose and lactate meters, automated blood pressure systems, peak flow meters, bioimpedance body fat meters, Lange Skinfold calipers, and BodyMetrix™ Ultrasound Body Composition System.
Ronson 212
This 614-square-foot classroom is dedicated to fitness and strength and conditioning programing and instruction. It houses 2 Hammer Strength® Power Racks, Life Fitness® row and leg machines, numerous adjustable dumbbells, safety squat bars, hexagon deadlift bars, kettlebells, TRX® suspension systems, plyometric balls, Force Hooks, Gym Aware, hand held and grip dynamometers, and Exxentric® flywheel trainer.
Ronson 214
This 1,864-square-foot classroom is dedicated to practical clinical assessment, examination, and treatment instruction in exercise science and athletic training courses. It houses 10 standard treatment tables and 4 hi-low power treatment tables. Students have access to state-of-art equipment dedicated to emergency care, clinical assessment, treatment, therapeutic modalities, and rehabilitation.