Neuroscience: Advanced Concepts for Evidence Based Practice


Name: Alison Bell, OTD, OTR/L
Position: Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy
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The curriculum consists of four graduate-level courses (a total of 12 credits) that can be used toward a Doctoral degree.

Course Title Credits
OT 751 Neuroscience Foundations for Practice 3
OT 753 Advanced Concepts in Neuroscience I 3
OT 770 Knowledge Translation to Support Best Practice 3
OT 778 Advanced Evidence-Based Practice 3

Course Descriptions

 3 credits

This course introduces the student to the specialized field of neuroscience. A review of the structure and function of the nervous system will provide the foundation for system neuroscience. Students will cover sensory and motor systems, neuroplasticity and higher-level cognitive functions. Students will participate in learning experiences to integrate knowledge of neuroscience as a foundation for practice.

3 credits

This course emphasizes neuroscience-based assessment and intervention strategies that guide rehabilitation practice. Contemporary, evidence-based strategies are presented followed by the integration and application of these principles to practice. Intervention discussions include the proposed mechanisms for rehabilitation/recovery with discussion of application to practice. Development of interventions that can be replicated and use of assessment data to guide interventions choices are discussed.  

3 credits

This course provides clinicians with an introduction to practical knowledge translation theories and methods that are used to promote integration of new research knowledge and best practices in a variety of practice settings and circumstances. A primary focus of the course is to identify a theory and key strategies to encourage application of the student's learning within previous coursework in their practice setting.

3 credits

This course allows students develop skills, knowledge, and confidences that are needed to conduct literature searches, appraise research literature and, translate evidence into practice by integrating “best” evidence, client values and priorities, their own personal experiences and environmental considerations.