This course introduces students to coaching competencies formulated by the International Coaching Federation and operationalize these competencies into a coaching approach, Coaching in Context, that is geared toward health, rehabilitation, human services, and education professionals. Core concepts of coaching are discussed using seminal evidence. Coaching models and frameworks are explored, and alignment with students’ discipline frames of references are examined. Students will practice coaching with classmates and others. Key to coaching, students will discuss and practice ways to connect, clarify and plan with clients. At the end of this course, students will have acquired foundational coaching skills. This course may be taken in isolation or as the first course of the Advance Practice Certificate.
Skilled instructors who are certified coaches have designed this engaging course which makes used of advanced evidence-based teaching and learning strategies combining a variety of learning approaches to meet the preferences of all learners.
Current Jefferson Students
You may register for this course as an elective if permitted within your degree program.