Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Department Chair & Professor
901 Walnut Street, 5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Clinical Experience
Integrated Clinical Experiences (ICE)
The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program has three part-time integrated clinical experiences (ICE) that are part of the entry-level DPT curriculum. These clinical experiences are embedded within the curriculum over three semesters and are designed to complement classroom learning. The early learning objectives of the ICE program are to allow the student to become socialized in the role of a physical therapist and to practice clinical skills as they are being learned. The ICE courses prepare DPT students for their full-time clinical experiences.
The initial focus of the first ICE course is the foundation of clinical practice. The second course builds on this foundation and provides students the opportunity to demonstrate learned knowledge and basic hands-on care under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. The first two ICE courses occur in the first year of the DPT program. Students are assigned to various clinical sites: acute care hospitals, acute rehabilitation hospitals, or outpatient clinics.
The third ICE course occurs in the second year of the DPT program. This final ICE course provides students the opportunity to demonstrate learned knowledge and basic clinical skills in a pro bono, community-based setting under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist.
Clinical Education Experiences
Clinical experiences are designed to provide students with an opportunity to practically apply the knowledge and skills acquired in a specific area of the academic program. These experiences will increase your level of expertise in the evaluation and treatment of patients with varying diagnoses.
Jefferson’s Physical Therapy Program has three full-time clinical experiences in the curriculum.
- One 8-week, full-time clinical experience
- One 12-week full-time clinical experience
- One 16-week full-time clinical experience
The first full-time clinical experience commences in the spring semester of year 2. The second and third full-time clinical experiences occur in the third year after didactic coursework and encompass back-to-back clinical experiences as terminal clinical experiences. Every student must complete at least one inpatient experience and one outpatient experience. It is likely that at least one of your clinical experiences will be outside the Philadelphia area given the abundance of PT programs competing for clinical experiences.
Students have the opportunity to experience a variety of clinical education experiences, including practice settings that may include:
- Acute care hospitals
- Acute rehabilitation centers
- Sub-acute Rehabilitation centers/ Skilled nursing facilities
- Home care
- Pediatric hospitals and outpatient clinics
- Outpatient clinics including sports, orthopedic, and neurologic clinics
Professional Outreach
Professional outreach is integral to our DPT program. Our PT students are encouraged to join the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and the Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association (PPTA). We have consistently had students attend professional association events such as:
- APTA National Student Conclave (NSC)
- PPTA Annual Conference
- APTA Combined Section Meeting (CSM)
Students also contribute as members of the Physical Therapy Society (PTS). DPT students in every stage of their education, get involved in community, health, and physical therapy issues. PTS activities include:
- Student mentor program
- Journal clubs
- Fundraisers
- Community service activities
- Social events
- Guest speakers
- Discussions on issues relevant to the field
The Society is organized by elected Physical Therapy student leaders. All Jefferson University students are welcome to attend PTS events.