Testing Design Thinking Methodology to Engage Hispanic and Latino Families of Autistic Children
Roseann Schaaf, Lady Rios-Vega (PIs), J. Matthew Fields, Kristin Rising (Co-I’s)
Funded by: The Patient-centered Outcome Research Institute (PCORI)
This project is designed to improve the cultural humility of Occupational Therapy using Ayres Sensory Integration® for Hispanic and Latino families of autistic children. We use PCORI’s Stakeholder Engagement Principals to engage a diverse group of stakeholders to provide input on how to improve access to and utilization of therapy services, specifically Occupational Therapy using Ayres Sensory Integration®.
Racial and ethnic minorities with autistic children often experience delays in access to therapy services that can result in poor outcomes, decreased quality of life, and increased parental and financial stress. Many autism interventions were developed and tested with only White participants with the assumption that they could be transferable to minority populations. However, research has found that this is not the case and that interventions that are not sensitive or adapted to an individual’s culture and ethnicity do not work as well and are not used as frequently. Diverse stakeholder voices are needed to assure interventions are culturally sensitive and appropriate. In this project, we compare two stakeholder engagement methods, Design Thinking (DT) and Focus Groups (FG), to determine which is better for obtaining input on the facilitators and barriers to accessing and using therapy for children.
The data collected will be used to culturally adapt the Occupational Therapy using Ayres Sensory Integration® intervention to assure it is culturally sensitive for the Hispanic and Latino population. The project is guided by advisory boards supporting the research team throughout the project and its dissemination. The boards include Hispanic and Latino autistic individuals, parents and caregivers, occupational therapists, teachers, autism experts, and cultural experts. By taking a humble approach, we hope to improve access to evidence-based interventions, reduce health disparities, and improve the relationship between therapists and culturally diverse clients.
Improving Utilization of Occupational Therapy Services for Black & African American Families of Children with Autism
Rachel Dumont, Lady Rios-Vega, & Roseann Schaaf (co-PIs)
Funded by: The College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Thomas Jefferson University, and the Nancy Talbot Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF).
This project involves seeking the wisdom and expertise from key stakeholders, including Black and African American families, experts in African American culture and needs, and occupational therapy practitioners who provide services to Black and African American children with autism, via focus groups to identify barriers and facilitators of occupational therapy service use and access to adapt our existing evidence-based occupational therapy intervention so it is acceptable and culturally relevant for Black and African American families.
Early Occupational Therapy to Improve Functional Outcomes for Young Children with Autism
Joanne Hunt & Roseann Schaaf (Co-PIs).
Funded by: the New Jersey Autism Research Program
Atypical responses to sensory experiences are common in autism and impact a child’s ability to participate in essential daily activities that contribute to their development and well-being. This project addresses a critical need to develop and evaluate interventions for core features (e.g., Sensory Symptoms) of Autism in young autistic children ages 3-5 years. Specifically, this project will develop and conduct a feasibility trial of an early intervention that targets sensory symptoms for children with Autism ages 3-5. Findings indicate that the intervention was safe and feasible to deliver, and there was high satisfaction from parents and therapists. Pilot data show positive trends in daily living skills and individualized goals
Measuring Sensory Features in Autism: Validity & Reliability Testing
Roseann Schaaf (PI), Anita Bundy (co-I)
Funded by: The Eagles Autism Foundation
This study will establish the reliability and validity of an assessment of sensory features for children with autism ages 3-12 year. We administered the newly developed test of sensory functions, the Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration® (EASI) to confirm that it is reliable and valid for use with this population. The EASI showed strong validity and reliability for children with autism and data suggests it is a useful battery of tests for researchers and clinicians to utilize with autistic children.
School-based Practice Application of Ayres Sensory Integration®
Maria Cerase & Roseann Schaaf (co-PIs)
This study evaluated the current factors, including the supports and barriers identified by school-based occupational therapists impacting Occupational Therapy using Ayres Sensory Integration® intervention in school-based practice
Ayres Sensory Integration® Parent Education Modules
These studies adapted the Ayres Sensory Integration® Parent Education Modules to improve knowledge translation (Roan, et al, 2022) and cultural sensitivity for Mandarin-speaking Chinese families of autistic children (Chan, in preparation).
Testing the Feasibility of a Telehealth Intervention for Children with Autism
Roseann Schaaf (PI); Elizabeth Ridgway (Co-I)
This project adapts an evidence-based, manualized protocol of occupational therapy using Ayres Sensory Integration® for autistic children ages 4-12 to be delivered via telehealth. An additional aim of this study is to evaluate the acceptability, feasibility, and implementation fidelity of the adapted intervention.
Sensory Integration Therapy in Autism: Mechanisms & Effectiveness
Roseann Schaaf & Sophie Molholm (co-PIs)
Funded by: The National Institute of Child Health & Development NIH R01 HD082814-01A1
This comparative effectiveness study will compare occupational therapy using the principles of sensory integration to behavioral intervention for children with Autism and measure change in multisensory integration via evoked related potentials (EEG).
Sensory Functions in Autism
The study aims to build a model to describe the contributions of sensory processing and integration on the autism phenotype by investigating the mechanisms of sensory processing in autism, focusing on vision, audition, and tactile processing. Roseann Schaaf (PI). Funded by the Nancy Lurie Marks Foundation.
Early occupational therapy intervention for young children with autism.
This project will develop and pilot test an early intervention that targets sensory symptoms for children with ASD ages 3-5. Outcome measures will be at the participation and function levels of the ICF. Funded by the Philadelphia Eagles Autism Foundation. Roseann Schaaf, in collaboration with RWJ Barnabas Children's Specialized Hospital. Funded by the New Jersey Department of Health.
Testing the feasibility of a telehealth intervention for autistic children
This project adapts occupational therapy intervention to a telehealth delivery model for children with autism and tests its acceptance and usability in a feasibility trial. Roseann Schaaf in collaboration with Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Sensory Integration Treatment: Efficacy and Mechanisms
This comparative effectiveness study compares occupational therapy using the principles of sensory integration to behavioral intervention for children with autism and measures the change in multisensory integration via evoked related potentials (EEG). Roseann Schaaf (PI). Funded by a Jefferson Provost Award.
A Sensory Friendly Vaccine Clinic for autistic persons
The aim is to create a sensory-friendly experience for children with autism during routine receipt of healthcare in medical offices and vaccine clinics and measure outcomes. Roseann Schaaf (PI). Funded by the Delaware Health Sciences Alliance (DHSA).