Sidney Kimmel Medical College Office of Admissions
1015 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Selection Factors
Each year, the Committee on Admissions selects a class of 272 students from an applicant pool of approximately 10,000.
Our selection is made after careful consideration of many factors:
- College attended
- Academic record
- Letters of recommendation
- Scores on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
- Performance in non-academic areas
- Out-of classroom experiences
- Community work
- Medical activities
- Assessment of motivation, leadership potential, maturity, intellect, humanitarian concerns, compassion, ability to communicate, dedication, integrity and commitment (assessment is made by the Committee on Admissions the interview process)
Profile of Matriculated Students
The members of the 2024 entering class matriculated from 112 different graduate and undergraduate schools, are from 27 states, and eight other countries. A profile of the matriculated students includes the following:
- Average BCPM GPA: 3.78
- Average total MCAT score: 514
- Average age 24, ranging from 20 - 34
- 54% women; 45% men
- 16.8% from groups underrepresented in medicine
- 28% non-white ethnic groups
The Committee on Admissions would like to interview every applicant; however, the volume of applications keeps us from doing so. Each year, we invite approximately 600 applicants to schedule an interview. The interview helps us determine which applicants will most likely benefit from our program, and is a requirement for acceptance.
The interview serves several purposes:
- Information from the application can be verified and clarified
- The applicant can explain unique aspects of the application
- The applicant can become better acquainted with the medical school
- Personal qualities can be assessed
Diversity is the richness in human differences. At the Sidney Kimmel Medical College, we promote and cultivate an inclusive environment that values and cherishes the diversity of our people. Sidney Kimmel Medical College believes that a diverse and inclusive environment is key to achieving excellence in our missions of patient care, education and research. We believe that our mission and values create and nurture the physicians who provide compassionate and culturally-sensitive care to the patients that they serve.
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University is committed to providing equal educational and employment opportunities for all persons, without regard to race, color, national and ethnic origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation or veteran's status. The diversity in our student body is one of the many things which has continued to make Sidney Kimmel Medical College a special place. For more information, please access the Sidney Kimmel Medical College Diversity & Inclusion page by clicking here.
Factors that May Cause Inadmissibility
Under most circumstances, admission will not be offered to an applicant with a felony conviction. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania enacted a new Medical Practice Act in 1985 (Act 112 of 1985) which specifies the qualifications for a license to practice medicine from the Pennsylvania Board of Medical Education and Licensure. The Board will not issue a license to an applicant who has been convicted of a felony under the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L. 223, No. 64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, or of an offense under the laws of another jurisdiction which, if committed in this Commonwealth, would be a felony under the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
A student who has previously attended another medical school and failed academically or been dismissed for unsatisfactory conduct will not be considered for admission.