Clinical Experience at SKMC
Clinical Experience Resource Flyers
Below are downloadable flyers (PDFs) that may be distributed to patients with corresponding social needs. Created by Lily Shaffer, CHW.
- APPRISE Program - Free assistance and counseling to Philadelphia residents age 60 and older
- BenePhilly - Free, one-on-one help to enroll Philadelphia residents in public benefit programs
- Community Resource Sheet
- COMPASS - Applying for human services benefits in one place
- Kline Life Meals on Wheels - Medically approved meals, delivered
- MANNA - Medically approved meals, delivered
- Medicare Low-Income Subsidy - Medicare Extra Help Program, helps pay for Medicare Part D prescription drug costs
- Modivcare - Curb-to-curb pickup for transport to medical appointments: Philadelphia residents, disabled, Medicaid
- Mom's Meals - Medically approved meals, delivered
- PACE/PACENET - Prescription assistance programs for older adults (65+)
- PECO - Utility assistance programs
- Philadelphia Corporation for the Aging (PCA) - Caregiver Support Program (CSP), various elder resources
- Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) - Support for low-income customers
- Project Home - Services for homeless and low-income persons in Philadelphia
- SEPTA - CCT senior (65+) and disabled individuals shared ride program for Philadelphia residents