Victor Romo, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Contact Information
111 South 11th Street
Gibbon Bldg., Suite 8280
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-923-5507 fax
Clinical Assistant Professor
Medical School
Temple University School of Medicine, Medical School
University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
Most Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Characteristic dynamic functional connectivity during sevoflurane-induced general anesthesia
- Vascular and neuronal effects of general anesthesia on the brain: An fMRI study
- The effect of general anesthesia on the test–retest reliability of resting-state fMRI metrics and optimization of scan length
- Use of probabilistic tractography to provide reliable distinction of the motor and sensory thalamus for prospective targeting during asleep deep brain stimulation
- Rescue stenting for acute ischemic stroke with refractory emergent large vessel occlusion in the modern thrombectomy era
Board Certification
Hospital Appointment
- Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
- Methodist Hospital Division of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital