The Korman’s gift enables us to recruit three new faculty members, establish two clinical and research programs and upgrade our current clinical and research facilities. This helps us build on Thomas Jefferson University’s current national prominence in pulmonary and critical care medicine.
The Jane and Leonard Korman Respiratory Institute — Jefferson Health and National Jewish Health’s priorities include expanding lung cancer care by developing a comprehensive program that includes evaluation and diagnosis through the lung cancer screening and nodule program, and growing surgical and oncologic care through partnerships with the Departments of Surgery, Medical and Radiation Oncology. A nurse coordinator will be brought on to navigate patients through the program.
The Korman’s support allows for increased focus on basic and translational research by recruiting a lung biologist whose research is expected to enhance methods of detecting and treating a variety of lung diseases in the exam room. In addition, a medical oncologist will focus on bringing clinical trials and the newest advances in molecular therapeutics and personalized medicine to patients.
The Korman Respiratory Institute will also focus on non-cancerous pulmonary disease care by creating Asthma and Sarcoidosis Programs to improve outcomes for patients with asthma and sarcoidosis, a regionally prevalent disease that triggers non-cancerous masses to form in the lungs.
Ongoing disease prevention and advanced pulmonary diagnostic programs will form the program’s foundation with the goal of preventing disease and halting lung disease before it develops.