Matthias Schnell, PhD
Dr. V. Watson Pugh & Frances Plimpton Pugh Professor & Chair, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Director, Jefferson Vaccine Center
215-503-4634 | 215-923-7145 fax
233 South 10th Street
Bluemle Life Sciences Building
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Our faculty and administration/staff work seamlessly to provide you with an educational experience of the highest quality.
Matthias Schnell, PhD
Dr. V. Watson Pugh & Frances Plimpton Pugh Professor & Chair, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Director, Jefferson Vaccine Center
215-503-4634 | 215-923-7145 fax
Scott Felton
Administrative Assistant to the Chair
Cheryl King-Marino
215-503-4492 | 215-503-5393 fax