Division of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics


Name: Division of Biostatistics

130 South 9th Street, 17th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Name: Alysia Perry
Position: Administrative Assistant
Contact Number(s):

Grant development, research collaboration, or consultations

Name: Please Contact Division's Faculty


Name: Dana Ziegler
Position: Financial Analyst
Contact Number(s):


The Division of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics suggests Excel for simple data entry and analysis. For large or complex studies, a database (e.g., Microsoft Access, REDCap) may be necessary for efficient data entry and data management. The Division provides consultation and support for the setup and use of such databases.

The Biostatistics & Bioinformatics faculty and staff typically use R, SAS, Stata, and other more specialized software packages for data analyses (currently, we neither use nor support SYSTAT or SPSS). However, those are not recommended for casual users.

Members of the Jefferson community may obtain some of the data management and statistical packages under Jefferson's site licenses through https://library.jefferson.edu/tech/software.cfm.


The Division of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics does not provide technical support for any software packages.