Combined Pediatric/Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Residency
1600 Rockland Road
Wilmington, DE 19803
Program Contact
1600 Rockland Road
Wilmington, DE 19803
The Highest Academic Standard
We have had a highly successful board examination pass rate over the past twenty years. What sets us apart is that we don't just teach to boards, we teach to clinical practice and to real life.
The learning experiences in our residency are designed to help our trainees grow in pediatric rehabilitation, general pediatric, and PM&R knowledge. Our objectives and curriculum are dynamic, with active adaptation to resident feedback and to changes within our ever-evolving field. Our program values all learners and educators and promotes a learning environment where residents feel supported, challenged, valued, and respected.
Below you will find an overview of the didactics our residents participate in. Generally, residents attend PM&R didactics when on PM&R rotations, pediatric didactics while on pediatric rotations, and peds PM&R didactics as schedules allow.
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Didactics at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Our educational program for PM&R residents at Jefferson is comprehensive in nature. The 12-month didactic curriculum cycle is designed to reflect the ACGME core competencies and supplements clinical activity and scholarly research. We emphasize the foundational components of physiatry including anatomy and EMG.
Dedicated time is reserved for residents each Wednesday mornings, with abstention from all clinical duties, including pages. Residents also attend annual city-wide courses focusing on EMG, gait, and prosthetics.
The didactic curriculum is broad and includes blocks ranging from 2-8 weeks on anatomy, SCI, sports medicine, medical rehab, EMG, TBI, ultrasound, cancer rehab, gait, pediatric rehab, amputee, stroke, pain, and spasticity. Our anatomy block is especially notable as it includes weekly hands on cadaver sessions.
Pediatric Education at Nemours Children's Hospital
Lunch is provided during noon conference daily for all residents.
Morning Report
The house officers and attendings will discuss an interesting case presented by an upper-year resident. This is one of the highlights of our program, as it always leads to great discussions between the house staff, general pediatric attending, and subspecialty attendings. The morning report also is well-attended by the faculty.
Noon Conference
Faculty members from the general pediatric division and subspecialties present lectures to the house staff and medical students. Each month, the house staff also attends seminars on ethics, case conferences, and morbidity and mortality conferences during this one hour. This time is protected for the residents’ education.
Grand Rounds
Grand rounds are longstanding educational tradition. At Nemours, we cover a broad range of pediatric care and subspecialty topics to continue promoting professional development across all subspecialties. Click below to explore the calendar of upcoming talks.
Grand Rounds Schedule (Secure)
Y Block
As an intern, when you are on your Y block (following the X + Y model) you will have a weekly education half day focusing on primary care topics.
Pediatric Rehabilation Didactics - Various Locations
The PPM&R residents meet monthly, typically on Wednesday mornings in lieu of PM&R didactics, to target pediatric physiatry specific topics. The majority of learning experiences are designed and led by residents. After all, one learns best by teaching! Guest lectures are also given by faculty or other members of our rehabilitation team. Learning experiences vary from lectures to hands-on procedural training to field trips to community resources