2024/25 Interview Dates
Thursday, Nov 7 *
Thursday, Dec 5
Saturday, Dec 14
Thursday, Jan 9
* Jefferson students only
6 - 7 years
Thursday, Nov 7 *
Thursday, Dec 5
Saturday, Dec 14
Thursday, Jan 9
* Jefferson students only
1015 Walnut Street
Curtis Building Suite 613
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Outside of work hours, our residents spend a lot of free time together. Currently, 38% of our residents are married and 20% are parents.
Philadelphia is one of the most diverse cities in the country. The city is home to historic attractions like the Liberty Bell and the Constitution Center, a thriving food, music and arts scene, and countless neighborhoods and suburbs that boast scenic hiking and trails and public parks.
We love being in Philadelphia. I personally believe it’s a better culinary hotspot than New York City.