Asano-Gonnella Center for Research in Medical Education & Health Care
1015 Walnut Street
Curtis Building, Suite 319
Philadelphia, PA 19107
- 215-955-0731
- 215-923-6939 (fax)
Health Services Research
The Center receives external funding to support its health services and policy related research and quality improvement initiatives. Center researchers continued work on a major series of projects being performed in collaboration with the Parma Local Health Authority and Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, and collaborated with SKMC and Jefferson College of Population Health.
Center researchers continued work on a major series of projects being performed in collaboration with the Regional Health Care System of Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Current projects include development of models to predict risk of hospitalization for patients with chronic disease, analyses of the distribution and outcomes of surgical services for patients with cancer; analyses of intra-regional variation in medical, surgical and pharmaceutical treatment, refinement of a method for assessing the timeliness and appropriateness of acute hospitalization, analyses of patterns and quality of care for women with breast cancer, development of "profiles" of care provided by primary care teams and studies of the integration of hospital and outpatient care.
Current Projects
Center researchers are collaborating with Jefferson College of Population Health on multiple projects for the Local Health Authority (AUSL) of Parma.
Collaborative Projects
Center researchers collaborate with other individuals within the Jefferson system and other locations.
Disease Staging
The Disease Staging instrument was developed to measure the problem solving skills of medical students, but was later used to document the quality and cost od care in California.
Past Collaborators
Center researchers worked on in collaboration with the Regional Health Care System of Emilia-Romagna, Italy.