Marianne Able Career Services Center
Career Exploration Resources
We are excited to help you explore career options! Use our top career exploration resources below to begin your research and expand your knowledge!
O*Net – Use this database which contains information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors to help you explore and search occupations.
OOH (Occupational Outlook Handbook) – Use this website to explore hundreds of occupations and read descriptions of What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, and more.
HowToBecome.com - A career focused website full of plenty of tips and guides on how to become... anything! A great resource and starting-off point for people unsure of how to get into a certain career.
Informational Interview (PDF)– Learn about the career field of interest with someone who works in that field! Informational interviews are meetings where an individual asks for career/industry information and advice from a professional in their desired career or industry in order to gain knowledge about the industry and expand their professional network. If interested in conducting an informational interview, be sure to come to our walk in hours or make an appointment!
Job Shadowing – See for yourself what it’s really like in a career field. Job shadowing is when a student follows a professional in their field of interest and observes their daily work. If you need assistance in arranging a job shadowing experience, please come visit us in Career Services for assistance.
Internship – Once you’ve narrowed down your career path, try on the skills, duties and responsibilities that the job will require by doing an internship. An internship can provide you with hands on experience, a network of contacts, and academic credit.