Global Education & Initiatives

Fulbright Workshop for Faculty Contact

Name: Professor Marcella McCoy-Deh

Faculty-Led Programs

Faculty-Led Programs are a unique type of study abroad program. They are often referred to as "Short Courses" because they are shorter in terms of the length of time the student spends abroad. These programs are Thomas Jefferson University courses, developed by Thomas Jefferson University faculty, which include a one to three-week international experience abroad that allows students the opportunity to learn a particular subject from a foreign perspective.

These courses may be developed for a specific major, or may be open to all majors. We also offer Short Courses for students of all academic levels: freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students. Each course is typically worth 3 credits, and is treated just like any other Thomas Jefferson University course as far as the University’s policies on billing, attendance, grading, etc. Short Courses can take place over winter break, spring break, or as a summer course.

For more information about the different courses we plan to offer this year or in future years, please visit our external site—operated by Study Away—where you can browse a list of our programs, learn about upcoming Study Abroad events, begin your Short Course application, and more: