Student Counseling Center - East Falls Campus
- On campus: 215-951-2999 (Department of Public Safety)
- Off campus: 911
Or go to the nearest EMERGENCY ROOM
During Working Hours (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
If you are a student experiencing an urgent or life-threatening situation, you may come to the Dean of Students office (321 Kanbar) and inform front office personnel that you have an emergency situation. If the situation is urgent, but not life-threatening, you may also call at 215-951-2740.
If you are concerned that another student is experiencing a personal emergency, that is not life-threatening, contact the Dean of Students Office at 215-951-2740 immediately to alert them to the situation. The professional staff in the Dean's office will consult with you to determine the best course of action, and if appropriate will make arrangements for the student to see a counselor as soon as possible that same day. You may be asked to escort the student to the Dean of Students office located in Suite 321 Kanbar Campus Center.
After Hours & Weekends
For all emergencies, that are not life-threatening, resident students should notify the RA or RC on duty in their residence hall. Faculty, staff, and other students may contact the Department of Public Safety at 215-951-2999.
The Student Counseling Center has a number of suicide prevention resources available to students, staff and faculty.