JeffALERT Emergency Notification System
130 S. Ninth Street
Edison Building, Suite 1620
Philadelphia, PA 19107
33 S. Ninth Street, Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Register & Stay Informed!
With JeffALERT Jefferson can send simultaneous alerts in minutes through text messaging, voicemail and email to numerous devices, such as cellular phonesand pagers and phone calls to cellular, home and work phones. But the system is only as good as the contact information you provide to us. We urge you to register/update your cellular phone numbers, pager numbers and office numbers and home numbers so that Jeferson can effectively notify you during emergency situations.
Since the JeffALERT system is used to notify you in an emergency situation, we strongly recommend that you provide contact information for YOU, the subscriber. Provide the contact numbers you are most likely to check/answer should a message be sent to you… most likely, while you are on campus.
JeffALERT will use the information you provide in Banner Web for cellular phones and land lines. Information provided in Banner Web updates in JeffALERT every 24 hours. The system is set up to automatically access your Jefferson e-mail account. You do not need to take any action for this.
Please note
All paid university faculty and staff and students with active general student records in the Banner Web system (for the current to upcoming term) are eligible to receive JeffALERT notifications.
Log in to Banner Web
Select the "Personal Information" link depicted below and choose the JeffALERT icon at the top of that screen.
You will be asked to update your local and permanent phone numbers as well as your cellular phone number.
Faculty & Staff
JeffALERT will use information you include in our PeopleSoft system. It is therefore important to make sure all your information is up to date. Please provide a CELLULAR PHONE and HOME number (if you have one) and populate the WORK phone number in PeopleSoft with the complete office number you wish to use for emergency communications. Information provided in PeopleSoft updates in JeffALERT every 24 hours. The system is set up to automatically access your Jefferson e-mail account. You do not need to take any action for this.
When accessing PeopleSoft, update your information in the Personal Information area. Then select Phone Numbers. You will see the following screen.
Click in the box to modify the number or click the delete icon to remove one. Click on the Add Phone Number icon to add another number.
Make sure to click SAVE after making your changes.