Membership Qualifications
Full-Time Students
All full-time Thomas Jefferson University students are members of the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center. Access to the facility will not be granted without presentation of a valid Jefferson ID.
Part-Time Students - $270 Yearly
Part-time university students are eligible to purchase a membership at the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center.
Full-Time Employees - $360 Yearly or $40 Monthly
Full-time employees and house staff of Thomas Jefferson University, Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience, Jefferson Health System, and Wills Eye Hospital are eligible to join the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center.*
*Full-time employees, who are also students in any capacity, shall be subject to the employee membership fee.
Part-Time Employees - $360 Yearly or $40 Monthly
Part-time employees are eligible to purchase a membership at the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center with a letter from their department head verifying their employee status.
Alumni - $360 Yearly or $40 Monthly
Jefferson graduates are eligible for membership at the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center. This includes all graduates of the Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Jefferson College of Health Professions, Jefferson College of Life Sciences, Jefferson College of Pharmacy, Jefferson College of Nursing, Jefferson College of Population Health, and former residents and fellows of Jefferson.
An alumni photo ID card must be presented at the time of membership purchase. For information on how to obtain an alumni card, please visit the Alumni Resources page.
Family Membership- Add on
Members may add one additional person to their membership. Please contact the JRFC directly for more information about this membership type and before completing the membership application.
Retirees - $360 Yearly or $40 Monthly
All retired Jefferson employees are eligible to purchase a membership at the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center.
Visitors - $360 Yearly or $40 Monthly
Visiting students, faculty, and staff are eligible for a membership at the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center after providing documentation and paying the appropriate fee. Please call the Office of Student Life & Engagement at 215-503-7743, or stop by for more details.
Volunteers - $360 Yearly or $40 Monthly
Volunteers are eligible for a membership at the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center. The volunteer must present a memo from: The Office of Volunteer Services, 2180 Gibbon Building, stating that he or she works 20 or more hours a week (40 or more biweekly), and the start and end dates of their volunteer service.
Weekly Trial Passes - $15
Try out the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center for one week. A weekly trial pass includes access to the entire facility, including the pool and group exercise classes. The pass can only be purchased once, and it is only open to Jefferson (and affiliate) employees. Purchases are made at the front desk of the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center.
Membership Types
Yearly Memberships
Yearly memberships are active for one calendar year (365 days) from registering and completing payment. Yearly memberships cannot be cancelled without separation from Jefferson or medical leave with a doctor's note.
Monthly Memberships
Monthly memberships last 31 days from registration and payment. This membership type can be cancelled for the following month up to ten calendar days before the next month by contacting the front desk. Monthly memberships allow for more flexibility for those who desire to try out the facility, are visiting our community, or who prefer shorter terms. Monthly memberships are automatically entered for 12 months (payroll deduction) or 1 month (credit card) unless otherwise stated. Applicants can contact the JRFC before completing the application if they would like to purchase a quanity <6 months membership for payroll deduction or >1 month for credit card.
Payment Options
Payroll Deduction
Payroll deduction is available for employees of Jefferson. Those enrolled in payroll deduction with a yearly membership will have $13.85 deducted from each paycheck over 26 pay periods. Those who elect a monthly membership with payroll deduction will notice a $20 deduction from each paycheck until cancellation or 1 year from sign up. Yearly lockers ($65) are also available to be added to payroll deduction.
Credit Card
After submitting the membership application, membership is completed by a credit card transaction at the JRFC front desk. Monthly memberships paid via credit card must be renewed each month at the JRFC front desk prior to expiration.
Complete the membership application below to join the JRFC.