Student Health Insurance Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

No, insurance is provided by United Healthcare and managed by University Health Plans via University Health Plans.

United Healthcare is the carrier for those students who want this plan or who fail to verify enrollment in a comparable plan by the deadline, which meets the University’s requirements.

Every student required to have health insurance is automatically billed for the United Healthcare insurance plan. Students who have comparable insurance, may waive the United Healthcare plan. Failure to waive the United Healthcare insurance by the deadline results in being enrolled and billed for the academic year.

If the student leaves the University during or at the end of the fall semester or graduates on December 31st, the United Healthcare coverage will end for the student and any enrolled dependent(s). 

  • Students and dependents may not remain enrolled in the United Healthcare plan after the semester if they have left the University
  • The University audits fall enrollment in late January, and if there is any use of the plan between December 31st and the audit, then the student will be billed for any claims in that time period.
  • Students who go on an official Leave of Absence are still classified as students and therefore will remain on the health insurance plan through the academic year.

If the student tried to waive coverage and received a message “waiver denied” it may mean that the insurance coverage identified by the student does not meet the University’s requirement. 

If you have questions about why your waiver was denied please contact University Health Plans at 800-437-6448 or

  • Plan is currently active and provides coverage for the entire academic year while a registered student.
  • Plan provides comprehensive coverage in the Jefferson campus area (access to doctors, specialists, hospitals, labs, pharmacies, and behavioral health providers without restriction or limitations). Please note, out of state Medicaid and many HMO or EPO plans do not provide comprehensive out‐of‐area coverage. Urgent or Emergency only coverage does not satisfy this requirement.
  • Plan is ACA (Affordable Care Act) compliant and filed and approved in the United States.

The Jefferson student health insurance plan offers the level of coverage listed above.

Yes, all students who are required to have health insurance must waive student insurance coverage annually even if they have insurance as an employee of Jefferson.

Students who reach the age of 26 typically need to leave their parent’s policy. Under this circumstance, a student who previously waived United Healthcare’s plan, can enroll in the plan. The Student should contact University Health Plans directly and advise that they are a student at Thomas Jefferson University and have aged off their parent’s plan and need to enroll. Representatives can be reached at 800-437-6448 or When emailing, please include campus key and date of coverage termination.

Yes, If enrolled with United Healthcare students have access to HealthiestYou telehealth for general medical or mental health. Students who have insurance elsewhere can still use HealthiestYou for a fee. 

Students who waived the insurance during the open enrollment period may be able to enroll in the policy for themselves/dependents if they experience a Qualifying Life Event or QLE (loss of coverage) based on the following events

  • Loss of other coverage
  • No longer living in the prior plan's service area
  • Birth or adoption of a child
  • Marriage to the student 

If the student meets any of the QLE’s they may contact University Health Plans at 800-437-6448 or for prorated cost and enrollment information.

Yes, when completing the enrollment form there will be an option to add dependants. If a student wants to add dependants after enrolling but still within the enrollment period then they must contact University Health Plans at 800-437-6448 or 

No, these are separate plans. United Healthcare does offer these plans, so students have to enroll in these optional plans separately. The enrollment forms can be found on the left hand side of this page under "Optional Plans"

  • For coverage information please visit University Health Plans
  • For specific benefit or claims questions contact United Healthcare Student Resources at 800-767-0700

Yes, International Students who are required to have health insurance, must comply with University policy including annual enrollment/waiver, billing, and comparable insurance. 

Once enrolled, there are no refunds or cancellations after the Fall waiver deadline, except for ineligibility or entry into the armed forces.