View Student Conduct Institute Posted Trainings by Zoe Gingold and Katie Vodzak

Title IX & Sexual Misconduct
Reporting a Violation
Reports may be made online.
The University encourages victims of sexual misconduct to report what occurred so that victims can get the support they need and the university can respond appropriately. Students have the option of reporting to any employee listed below. It is important to note that different employees on campus have different levels of responsibility to maintain a person’s confidentiality. The following are reporting options that carry different levels of confidentiality.
Non-Confidential Reporting: Some employees are non-confidential and are required to report all of the details of an incident to Campus Security and the Title IX Coordinator. Reporting an incident to the following people does not guarantee confidentiality and could trigger an investigation:
- Campus Security (811 or 215-955-8888)
- Title IX
- Title IX Coordinator:
Katie Colgan Vodzak, JD
215-951-2520 or - Deputy Title IX Coordinator:
Casey Ciocca, JD
215-951-5673 or - Deputy Title IX Coordinator:
Zoe Gingold
215-951-6830 or - Deputy Title IX Coordinator:
Nannette Vliet
Associate Dean, Jefferson College of Health Professions
215-503-7941 or - SKMC Title IX Liaison:
Wayne Bond Lau, MD
Associate Dean, Office of Student Affairs, SKMC
215-955-6844 or
- Title IX Coordinator:
- College Deans and Associate/Assistant Deans
- Housing and Residence Life staff (including RAs)
- Full-time Faculty
- University Administrators with significant responsibility to student and campus activities
- Human Resources (if involving a faculty or staff member)
Confidential Reporting – Some employees may talk to a victim in confidence, and only report that an incident occurred without revealing any personally identifying information. If a victim wants to maintain confidentiality the University will be unable to conduct an investigation or pursue disciplinary action. Reporting to the following people will not trigger an investigation without the victim’s consent:
- Student Personal Counseling Center - 215-503-2817
- Pastoral Care Program - 215-955-6336
- University Health Services - 215-955-6835
Anonymous Reporting – Victims also have the option of anonymous reporting. If an anonymous report is made the identity of the victim will not be known, but the university’s ability to respond will be limited. Anonymous reports can be made via the online reporting form or through other options listed below.
- Campus Security 24-hour recorded phone line - 215-955-5678
- Jefferson Alert Line 833-ONE-CODE (833-663-2633) or
The University has a strong desire to assist students subjected to Sexual Misconduct, and strongly encourages them to report any such incidents. The University will make every reasonable effort to preserve an individual’s privacy and protect the confidentiality of information it receives in connection with such a report. The information reported will be shared only with individuals who assist or are otherwise involved in the investigation and/or resolution of the complaint, or who otherwise have a need to know about the complaint and/or its resolution.
Students should know, however, that the University may have an obligation to investigate allegations of Sexual Misconduct. Allegations reported to Non-Confidential employees will be reported to Campus Security and the appropriate Title IX coordinator, which could lead to an investigation. If a student discloses an incident to a Non-confidential employee but wishes to maintain confidentiality or requests that no investigation or disciplinary action occur, the Title IX Coordinator must weigh that request against the University’s obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment. The Title IX Coordinator will consider a range of factors, including:
- The increased risk that the alleged perpetrator will commit additional acts of sexual misconduct, such as:
- Whether there have been other complaints against the same person.
- Whether the accused has a known history of arrests or violence from a previous school.
- Whether the accused threatened further sexual misconduct.
- The sexual misconduct was committed by multiple perpetrators.
- Whether the sexual misconduct/violence was perpetrated with a weapon.
- Whether the victim is a minor.
- Whether the University possesses means to obtain relevant evidence (for example security cameras or physical evidence).
- Whether the victim’s report reveals a pattern of perpetration at a given location or by a particular group.
- If it determines that it can respect a student’s request for confidentiality, the University will consider non-specific remedial action, such as increasing monitoring, security and/or education and prevention efforts.
- If it determines that it cannot maintain a student’s confidentiality, the University will so inform the student subjected to sex or gender-based misconduct prior to the start of an investigation. The University will provide supportive measures during the investigation, as described in the Sex and Gender-based Misconduct Policy.