Commuter Services Office
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday
7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Closed on all university holidays
Employee/Student Parking Information
Important Notice
All Jefferson pricing information can be found on the CSO ONE intranet. Please follow this link to log in and then favorite the site for later recall.
All monthly parking begins on the 1st of each month. The cutoff date to join monthly parking with Jefferson is the 15th of each month prior to the month you would like to join. To enroll, you must be signing up for at least two (2) consecutive months. We do not offer partial/prorated months and there are no refunds for unused service.
All cancellations and suspension of service must be sent via email to CSO@Jefferson.edu by the 1st of the month – prior to the month – you would like to cancel/suspend, otherwise you will be held responsible for that month’s parking expense.
*DISCLAIMER: Price and availability of the garages are subject to change. PLEASE check the ONE CSO site for latest information, including pricing.
Campus Parking
12th & Filbert Streets - SP Plus
10th & South Streets - SP Plus
733 Chestnut Street - SP Plus
12th & Walnut Streets - Parkway Corp.
Walnut Towers- Walnut Street between 8th & 9th Streets - Parkway Corp
10th & Chestnut Streets - InterPark
10th & Ludlow Streets - Phila. Parking Authority
9th & Locust Streets - JHN Garage
8th - 9th & Market Streets - SP Plus
923 Walnut Street - Interpark
10th & Filbert Streets - Phila. Parking Authority
11th & Filbert Streets - Self-Parking
Juniper & Locust Streets - InterPark
618 Market Street - Self-Parking Garage/Valet Parking
625 Samson Street (Curtis Center) - Valet
Broad & Race Streets - Self-Parking
More Information for Each Parking Option Found Below
12th & Filbert Streets – SP Plus map it
10th & South Streets – SP Plus map it
There are two entrances: one on 10th Street between South and Rodman Streets and one on Rodman Street between 10th & 11th Streets. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
733 Chestnut Street – SP Plus map it
There are two entrances: one on 8th Street between Market and Chestnut Streets, and one on Chestnut Street between 7th and 8th Streets. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
12th & Walnut Streets – Parkway Corporation map it
There are three entrances: one on Sansom Street west of 12th Street, one on 12th Street between Sansom and Walnut Streets, and one on Walnut Street west of 12th Street. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
Walnut Towers – Walnut Street between 8th & 9th Streets – Parkway Corporation map it
There are three entrances: one on 8th Street between Walnut and Locust Streets, one on 9th Street between Locust and Walnut Streets, and one on Walnut Street between 8th and 9th Streets. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
10th & Chestnut Streets – InterPark Garage map it
There are two entrances: one on 10th Street between Chestnut and Sansom streets. and one on Sansom street between 9th & 10th Streets. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
10th & Ludlow Streets – Philadelphia Parking Authority map it
There are two entrances: one on 10th Street between Ludlow and Clover Streets, and one on Ludlow Street between 10th & 11th Streets. This facility is accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
10th & Filbert Streets – Philadelphia Parking Authority map it
There is one entrance: on 10th Street between Cuthbert and Filbert Streets. The hours of operation are 6:00 AM to midnight, 7 days a week.
11th & Filbert Streets – Self-Parking map it
There are entrances on Arch Street, west of 11th Street, and at 11th Street, north of Filbert. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
9th & Locust Streets – JHN Garage map it
There is one entrance on 9th Street, north of Locust. This facility is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
8th - 9th & Market Streets – SP Plus map it
There are two entrances: one on 9th Street between Market and Ranstead, and one on 8th Street between Ranstead and Market Street. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
923 Walnut Parking Garage – Central Parking System map it
There are two entrances: one on 10th Street just south of Sansom, and one on Walnut Street just east of 10th Street. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
Juniper & Locust Streets – InterPark map it
There are two entrances: one on Locust Street between Broad and 13th Streets, and one on Juniper Street between Walnut and Locust Streets. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
618 Market Street – Self-Parking map it
Entrance: On 7th Street, between Market & Chestnut Streets. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
625 Sansom (Curtis Center) – Valet Parking map it
There is one entrance between 6th and 7th Streets on Sansom. This facility is open from 6:00 AM each day.
Broad & Race Streets – Self-Parking Garage map it
There are two entrances: one on Broad Street and one on Race Street; Exit on Race and on Carlisle. This facility is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.