Recent Research


New research correlates inflammation in the brain and gut to negative emotional state during opioid withdrawal

prostate cancer and cardiovascular health, hormone therapy

Common prostate cancer therapy may increase short-term risk of death in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions.

Smoking head and neck cancer

A change in the tumor metabolism due to tobacco exposure could open new treatment avenues in head and neck cancer.

Elderly senior patient (aging old adult person) in nursing hospice home holding geriatrician doctor's hand having happy medical health care from hospital carer or caregiver healthcare service

Jefferson will become one of 48 centers in the world focused on Parkinson’s patient care, research, outreach and education, named by the Parkinson’s Foundation.


New research establishes link between mitochondria dysfunction and dopamine in PINK1 model of disease.

fat cells illustration

Jefferson researchers unveil first demonstration of heritable mutations behind non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Parkinson and alzheimer female senior elderly patient with physician doctor exam in hospice care room.

The discovery supports GM1 ganglioside as a potential target for Parkinson's therapy.

MRI of the blood vessels in the brain and cerebrovascular disease. brain stroke x-ray image.

Changing the route of entry for minimally invasive neurosurgery provides better outcomes for a wide range of interventions, and is preferred by patients.


Researchers identify changes in enzymes that may contribute to lung damage in rare genetic disorder

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