Financial Aid Office
All Students (except Sidney Kimmel Medical College students)
The University is required to establish satisfactory academic progress standards for its federal financial aid recipients in accordance with the U.S. Department of Education regulations. Satisfactory academic progress ensures that only those recipients demonstrating satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of their educational programs continue to be eligible to receive federal financial aid.
Whether a student is considered to be making satisfactory academic progress depends on successful semester completion of courses (credit hours), cumulative grade point average (GPA), and maximum time limits to complete their course of study. Students must meet all the requirements listed below:
- Semester Completion of Courses—a student must have earned hours equal to at least 67 percent of total cumulative hours attempted to remain in good standing. Students earning less than 67 percent of the hours attempted will be placed on financial aid probation.
- Attempted hours are defined as the hours for which the student is enrolled and charged as of the census date of each semester. Earned hours are defined as the sum of hours for which a student has earned a grade of A, B, C, or D. Withdrawals, incompletes, audits, and failures are not earned hours. Passing grades received for pass/fail courses are considered attempted and earned hours; failing grades in pass/fail courses are considered attempted but not earned hours. Repeated courses are included in the calculation of attempted and earned hours.
- Exception for Jefferson College of Pharmacy—HP (High Pass) and LP (Low Pass) are credits that are considered successfully completed
- Grade Point Average (GPA)—students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (undergraduate students) and 3.0 (graduate students) or have academic standing consistent with the requirements for graduation, as determined by the University. In addition to the federal satisfactory academic progress rules, there are academic standards that may pertain to your program of study. For information on the academic standards for your program of study, refer to your College Handbook.
- Maximum Time Limit—a student’s eligibility for financial aid will be terminated once they have attempted more than 150 percent of the normal credits (as defined in the College Catalog and/or your College Handbook) required for your degree program. All attempted hours are counted, including transfer hours, whether or not financial aid was received or the coursework was successfully completed.
Evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress
A financial aid recipient’s satisfactory academic progress is evaluated after each semester of the academic year. At that time, a student will either be in good standing, be placed on financial aid probation, or denied financial aid for future enrollment periods. The student must meet all three progress requirements (completion rate, GPA, and be within the maximum time frame) to remain in good academic standing. Students will be notified by the Financial Aid Office if they are placed on probation or denial status for financial aid.
Probation Status
Probation status will not prevent the student from receiving financial aid. The probationary semester is meant to inform the student of potential academic problems and provide time for corrective action. If a student does not meet the satisfactory academic progress standards after the probationary period, denial status could be imposed or continued probation approved. Denial status will prevent the student from receiving any Title IV and institutional financial assistance for future enrollment until such time as the student meets all satisfactory academic progress standards.
Appeal & Reinstatement
Students may appeal their denial status by submitting a Letter of Appeal to the Financial Aid Office. The Letter of Appeal should explain the reason for the student’s academic performance in the previous term and what the student will do to change their academic performance. Students must also submit a Student Advisor Action Plan (PDF) to the Executive Director of Financial Aid. Appeal forms are included in the letter informing students of their denial status and should be submitted to the Financial Aid Office. Some circumstances such as medical problems, illness, death in the family, relocation or employment changes, or personal problems can be considered for an appeal. Documentation verifying the situation will be requested. Submission of the form is required within four weeks of receipt of the denial letter. The Executive Director of Financial Aid will review the appeal and contact the student as soon as a decision is reached.
GPA & Credit Deficiencies
Students can raise their GPA and/or satisfy credit deficiencies by taking additional coursework at Thomas Jefferson University without receiving financial aid. Students can eliminate credit deficiencies, but not GPA deficiencies, by successfully completing approved coursework at another institution without receiving aid at that institution. Transfer credits used to satisfy credit deficiencies cannot be credits that were earned prior to the semester in which the student incurred the deficiencies. The student must submit a copy of the official academic transcript to the Registrar’s Office.
Continued Enrollment
The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid Eligibility does not preclude a student whose financial aid has been denied from enrolling in subsequent semesters. Students may have their financial aid reinstated by the Financial Aid Office once all satisfactory academic progress standards are met, or an appeal has been submitted and approved. It is highly recommended that students notify the Financial Aid Office once they have completed their coursework.
Sidney Kimmel Medical College Students
The University is required to establish satisfactory academic progress standards for its federal financial aid recipients in accordance with the U.S. Department of Education regulations. Satisfactory academic progress standards ensure that only those recipients demonstrating satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of their educational programs continue to be eligible to receive federal financial aid.
The Committee on Student Promotion evaluates the academic performance of each student and determines promotion, probation, and academic dismissal and determines, on an individual basis, a plan for students with academic deficiencies. Due to the nature of the curriculum, this plan may require a student who has had academic difficulty at a certain point to repeat an academic year. In such a case, the student is considered to be making satisfactory academic progress during the repeated period.
Whether a student is considered to be making satisfactory academic progress depends on successful completion of the curriculum phases/blocks and maximum time limits to complete their course of study. Students must meet all the requirements listed below:
- Grades—must complete all required courses and the required number of electives with a passing grade. Minimum passing grades for the different segments of the curriculum are defined in the College Handbook.
- Coursework Completion—progress is measured in one-year (12 months) increments. By the end of the first year, students must have successfully completed one-sixth of the coursework required for graduation. In each subsequent year, an additional one-sixth of the coursework must be satisfactorily completed.
- Maximum Time Limit—must complete the medical curriculum, as a full-time student, in a maximum of six years (150 percent of the four-year curriculum), exclusive of approved leaves of absence. Students who are enrolled in the combined MD/PhD program are expected to complete the medical college curriculum in six years, exclusive of approved leaves of absence and the time devoted to the graduate program.
Evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress
A financial aid recipient’s satisfactory academic progress is evaluated after each semester of the academic year. At that time, a student will either be in good standing, be placed on financial aid probation, or denied financial aid for future enrollment periods. The student must meet all three progress requirements (completion rate, grades, and be within the maximum time frame) to remain in good academic standing. Students will be notified by the Financial Aid Office if they are placed on probation or denial status for financial aid.
Probation Status
Probation status will not prevent the student from receiving financial aid. The probationary semester is meant to inform the student of potential academic problems and provide time for corrective action. If a student does not meet the satisfactory academic progress standards after the probationary period, denial status could be imposed or continued probation approved. Denial status will prevent the student from receiving any Title IV and institutional financial assistance for future enrollment until such time as the student meets all satisfactory academic progress standards.
Appeal & Reinstatement
Students may appeal their denial status by submitting an appeal letter or email to the Executive Director of Financial Aid. Some circumstances such as medical problems, illness, death in the family, relocation or employment changes, or personal problems can be considered for an appeal. Documentation verifying the situation will be requested. Submission of the appeal is required within four weeks of receipt of the denial letter. The Executive Director of Financial Aid will review the appeal and contact the student as soon as a decision is reached.
Continued Enrollment
The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid Eligibility does not preclude a student whose financial aid has been denied from enrolling in subsequent semesters. Students may have their financial aid reinstated by the Financial Aid Office once all satisfactory academic progress standards are met. It is highly recommended that students notify the Financial Aid Office once they have completed their coursework.