Student Accounts Office
Student Financial Obligation Policy
This policy is reprinted from the following page: University Catalog & Handbooks : Academic Policies : Undergraduate Policies : Student Financial Obligation Policy.
Applicability: Thomas Jefferson University students
Contributors/Contributing Departments: Office of the Provost, Finance
I. Policy Statement
Thomas Jefferson University recognizes the importance of maintaining fiscal responsibility in terms of ensuring timely payment/resolution of outstanding financial obligations by all students. This policy has been established to address this fiscal responsibility while supporting students in meeting their required obligation.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all full-time, part-time, matriculated and non-matriculated students at Thomas Jefferson University.
III. Components
A. Billing Schedule and Payment Deadline Schedule
B. Billing Communication
C. Identification of Ramifications related to outstanding tuition/fee, housing, and other balances of $500 or more
D. Communication to Academic Deans and Program/Department Designates
A. Billing Schedule and Payment Deadline Schedule: Online access to student bills for the upcoming semester will be provided to students not less than four (4) weeks prior to the bill due date. Resolution of the outstanding balance must occur on or before the first day of class.
B. Billing Communication: Following the original notification about the online access to student account bills, reminder email notices will be sent once a week until the designated payment deadline. Weekly communication will continue for students who have not resolved the unpaid balance by the designated deadline.
The email billing communication will include:
- Reminder that the student has an outstanding balance;
- The deadline for completing "Satisfactory Payment Arrangements";
- Identification of "Satisfactory Payment Arrangement," which includes:
- Payment in full;
- Establishing and maintaining up-to-date payments with an approved Tuition Payment Plan, in an amount sufficient to meet the outstanding balance by the specified date;
- Completion of required financial aid application process (and confirmation that the award estimate is sufficient to cover the balance). It is important to note that only “pre-approved” private education loans can be considered as pending financial aid, because eligibility for private education loans is contingent upon a satisfactory credit review.
- Submission of required paperwork to Jefferson Human Resources Benefits Office for tuition remission. (Students are required to satisfy any portion of the tuition not covered by Human Resources as employee benefits); and/or
- Submission of documentation to the Student Accounts Office verifying payment of tuition by a third party.
C. Ramifications related to outstanding balances of $500 or more
Ramifications include:
- Assessment of late fees of $100 per month starting on July 5 for the pre-fall term (enrollment in pre-fall course(s) from May 1 through August 31), October 1 for the fall term, February 1 for the spring term, and June 1 for the summer term. Late fees will continue to be assessed each month thereafter until the unpaid balance is resolved.
- Will lose access to Canvas Learning Management System if the bill is not resolved by July 18 for the pre-fall term (enrollment in pre-fall course(s) from May 1 through August 31), October 15 for the fall semester, February 15 for the spring semester, and June 15 for the summer semester.
- Will not be allowed to register for subsequent terms and/or registration will be cancelled, will not be able to obtain a copy of an official transcript and will not be allowed to participate in the Commencement ceremony if the bill is not resolved by August 1 for the pre-fall term (enrollment in pre-fall course(s) from May 1 through August 31), November 1 for the fall semester, March 1 for the spring semester, and July 1 for the summer semester.
- Students who leave the University, and owe a balance of $500 or more will be turned over to Conserve Collection Agency 60 days after they have ceased to be enrolled at the University. If a student is referred to the collection agency, they are also responsible for all associated collection costs.
- The University reserves the right to change, amend, and/or impose additional restrictions in its discretion.
Note: The dates referenced above indicate the official target date as to when these ramifications will occur. Actual application of the ramifications will occur on or immediately after the first business day, following the target date that does not coincide with a federal holiday.
D. Communication to Academic Deans and Program/Department Designates
Notices will be sent to Academic Deans and Program/Department Designates once the payment due date has passed and will continue until all students with outstanding balances have completed Satisfactory Payment Arrangements. To further facilitate communication and follow-up with students, Deans may share the list of student names, without the corresponding outstanding balance amounts, with specified administrators. Information will only be shared with faculty if the student has lost access to Canvas, as this will inhibit further course progression. Faculty will not be advised as to why the student has lost Canvas access.