Courses are delivered online through Canvas. Once a student has been accepted into the program, they will be issued a log-on and password. On-campus students will be assigned classrooms in addition to a Canvas account.

Emergency & Disaster Management
Frequently Asked Questions
A student should expect to spend about 10-15 hours per week per course. This involves reading content materials, assignments, posting in the discussion board and reading and responding to classmate postings.
A student can begin in the program beginning with any term. Courses are fifteen weeks and there are three terms per year Fall, Spring and Summer. Courses taken in the Summer term are twelve weeks.
Fall Term - due by June 30
Spring Term - due by November 20
Summer Term - due by March 30
Yes. Information about orientation for all new students at Jefferson is available on the Jefferson site and is conducted one week before the start of the term. Note, our program will have a separate orientation for new students.
International Students: If studying on-campus, we strongly recommend arriving in Philadelphia two weeks prior to the start of the term to get your affairs in order (find housing, transportation, etc.).
A student can purchase textbooks from the University's Campus Store or they can be purchased whatever method is most convenient to the student.