BS in Industrial Design
At a Glance
Tod Corlett, MS
Director & William L. Jasper Chair, Industrial Design
Contact Number(s):
Total: 126-128 credits
First Year (34 - 35 credits)
Major Core (20 credits)
- INDD 101 Design 1 for Industrial Design (Fall)
- INDD 102 Design 2 for Industrial Design (Spring)
- INDD 106 Materials and Process: Fabrication
- INDD 206 CAD 1 for Industrial Design
- INDD 107 Visualization 1 for Industrial Design
- INDD 108 Visualization 2 for Industrial Design
Hallmarks Core (14-15 credits)
- WRIT 101 Writing Seminar 1: Written Communication
- FYS 100 Pathways Seminar
- AVIS 101 American Visions
- MATH 1XX Mathematics: (select one)
- Pre-Calculus
- Introduction to Calculus
- PHYC 201 Science: Physics
At this time a summer internship is a useful experience. To secure an internship a good portfolio must be prepared. The search for a position should start before the beginning of April.
Second Year (32 - 33 credits)
Major Core (20 credits)
- INDD201 Design 3 for Industrial Design (Fall)
- INDD202 Design 4 for Industrial Design (Spring)
- ARTH 103 Survey of the History of Art
- INDD207 Materials & Processes: Manufacturing
- INDD324 History of Design and Communication
- INDD 305 CAD 2 Digital Design Techniques
DEC Core (3 credits)
- DECF 102 Finding and Shaping Opportunity
Hallmarks Core (9-10 credits)
- 1XX Ethics
- GDIV 1XX Global Diversity
- WRIT 201 Writing Seminar 2: Multimedia Communication
Many ID students have a summer internship between sophomore and junior year, and these help in securing advanced internships before senior year. To secure an internship a good portfolio must be prepared. The search for a position should start before the beginning of April.
Third Year (33 credits)
Major Core (15 credits)
- INDD 301 Design 5 for Industrial Design (Fall)
- INDD 302 Design 6 for Industrial Design (Spring)
- INDD 210 Ergonomic Studies
- INDD 304 Design History & Theory
DEC Core (6 credits)
- DECS 2XX Systems Elective
- DECM 300 Integrative Seminar: Ethnographic Research Methods
Hallmarks Core (9 credits)
- ADIV 2XX American Diversity
- GCIT 2XX Global Citizenship
- CGIS 300 Contemporary Global Issues
Free Elective (3 credits)
A summer internship between junior and senior year is expected by most employers. To secure an internship a good portfolio must be prepared. The search for a position should start before the beginning of April.
Fourth Year (28 credits)
Major Core (10 credits)
- INDD 401 Design 7 for Industrial Design (Fall)
- INDD 402 Design 8 Industrial Design Capstone
- History/Theory Elective (3 credits)
Hallmarks Core (3 credits)
- PHIL 499 Philosophes of the Good Life
History/Theory Elective (3 credits)
- [1] Course
Exploration Electives (9 credits)
- These credits can also be used for a Concentration within the major. To do so, completion of a Declaration Form is necessary. Talk to your advisor if interested!
Free Elective (3 credits)
- [1] Course
Course Options for History/Theory Elective:
- INDD 707 Current Issues in Industrial Design
- GRPH 208 History of Graphic Design
- ANIM 303 History of Animated Cinema
- ARTH 314 History of Textiles & Costumes
- FASD 205 Fashion Designers of the 20th Century
- FASD 252 Fashion Design Research
- AHST 205 Built Environment: Ancient to Medieval
- AHST 305 Early Modern Architecture & Interiors
- ARCH 671 Vernacular Architecture
- ARCH 204 Great Buildings: Structure, Style, & Context
Recommended Electives:
- Studio Photography
- Interactive Prototyping
- Advanced Interactive Prototyping
- Advanced Materials and Processes for Manufacturing
- Soft Goods Fabrication
- Soft Goods Manufacturing
- Lighting Design
- Lighting Fixture Design
- Lighting Design Lab & Modules
- Furniture Design
- Upholstered Furniture Design
- Ergonomics at Work
- Design + Healthcare
- Intercultural Innovation in China (Short course)
- Biomimicry (short course/Costa Rica)