10 Reasons to Study Industrial Design at Jefferson
Tod Corlett, MS
Director & William L. Jasper Chair, Industrial Design
Contact Number(s):
- This program is a great choice.
We're ranked among the best in the country by employers, and among the most admired by other design programs.
- You're a part of the major from Day 1.
We have a strong, exciting studio culture, and we don't make you suffer through a years-long "foundation" program. Everybody works together in the studios, and we have special projects where our students get to know and learn from each other.
- You don't need to know how to draw already.
You’ll have unique options if you don’t already have a portfolio for admission, and we'll teach all the skills you need. Already have a great portfolio? We can grant you advanced placement in the program!
- Make a dent in the universe.
We design the products people use every day. By making them smarter, more accessible, more fun and more sustainable, you can help the world.
- Use your powers for good.
Are you a maker? Like to draw? Like to take stuff apart? 3D print things? Robotics/Lego fan? Congratulations, so are we. You just found a great way to get paid to do that every day.
- This is a great profession, not just an exciting major.
Our alumni get great jobs at big corporations, consultancies, nonprofits, and plenty of companies they start themselves. But don't take our word for it; search LinkedIn for "Thomas Jefferson University Industrial Design."
- Thomas Jefferson University has the best mix of programs for an industrial designer.
ID professionals work with business, technology and engineering every day, and medical design, sports design, wearables and interaction are hot growth areas. We have all these high-tech programs, from health sciences to surface imaging, on a small campus where everyone knows each other, and you'll work with them while you're here.
- You'll understand how it all fits together.
Our signature DEC Innovation Core Curriculum shows you how to understand and use the close relationships between design, engineering, business, sciences and the humanities.
- Our Industry Engagement Projects give the experience of internships and co-ops.
Our industry projects put you to work with top companies on real problems: like working with top tech strategists at Verizon, or designing the next Band-Aid for Johnson & Johnson, or producing products with your name on the label for Target. Our faculty give you expert support as you engage with world-class corporations and social impact initiatives. And you don't have to make the coffee.
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(This one's up to you. Students receive grant funding for senior projects they define themselves.)