Course Schedules

All students are required to complete the JCPH Canvas Onboarding

Summer 2025 Course Schedule

Spring 2025 Course Schedule

Yearly Course Schedules

Yearly course schedules help students plan their course progression. These are the expected yearly schedules, but courses are subject to cancellation due to reasons such as low enrollment.

Course Subjects

AHE = Applied Health Economics & Outcomes Research DHS = Doctor of Health Science in Population Health (DHSc) HDS = Health Data Science
HPL = Health Policy HQS = Healthcare Quality & Safety OPX = Operational Excellence
PBH = Public Health PHS = Population Health Science (PhD) POP = Population Health 

Understanding Section Numbers

Sections beginning with:

XX = Online Courses, 7 weeks (unless otherwise stated) 
Examples: 10A, 11A, 10B, 11B

A indicates A Terms like Fall A.
B indicates B Terms like Fall B. 

Typically courses for MS, MPH, Certificates, APC, & PhD Students.

XX = Public Health Courses, 12 weeks 
Examples: 30, 31L, 32V

letter indicates onsite (or hybrid, if noted as such)
indicates online & asynchronous
indicates virtual, synchronous

Typically courses for Public Health & PhD Students.
5X = PhD Courses, 15 weeks 
Examples: 50, 51, 52

Typically courses for PhD Students.

9XX = DHSc Courses, 7 weeks (unless otherwise stated)

Examples: 90, 90A, 90B

indicates A Terms like Fall A.
B indicates B Terms like Fall B. 

Typically courses for DHSc Students.

7XX = QIPS Courses, 15 weeks
Examples: 70A, 71A, 70B

A indicates A Terms like Fall A.
B indicates B Terms like Fall B. 

Typically courses for students in QIPS.

PA = PA Courses, 15 weeks 
Examples: PA1, PA2

Typically courses for PA students taking courses in JCPH as part of their requirements.

Understanding Course Formats

Hybrid Course

Face-to-face learning and online learning are paired together in a single course. The percentage that is held in person or via a web-based platform is determined by each instructor and/or department. The instructor also establishes whether the online learning is synchronous, asynchronous or a combination of both.

HyFlex Course

The Hybrid flexible, or “HyFlex” course format is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online and/or asynchronously online.

Online: Asynchronous

Online learning that occurs through virtual methods without live, real-time interaction with your instructor and classmates. Your engagement in sequenced course work occurs on your own time-frame within the requirements and deadlines established in the course syllabus, assignments and schedule. 

Online: Synchronous

Online learning that occurs live, in real-time, with the course instructor. You will virtually interact with your instructor and classmates during a scheduled time slot assigned by the Registrar.