Program Information
Conferences are an important and valued educational cornerstone at Jefferson. We have multiple formats including Morbidity and Mortality, case-based discussions, critical care conferences and many more. Education time is protected and this privilege is taken seriously. Chief residents hold the team phones so that residents and interns on floor services can attend noon conferences. To ensure inpatient workflow, many of the lectures and didactics are during outpatient and elective time allowing for study and reflection.
Additionally, conferences are commonly targeted at different resident levels. Throughout the year interns have a dedicated lecture series and senior residents have in-depth board review.
The chief residents are vital driving forces in education and host the aforementioned board reviews, morning reports, and intern lectures regularly throughout the year.
We firmly believe that our dedication to academia and clinical practice allows our residents to grow into competent and accomplished internists.
Grand Rounds
A weekly, departmental conference featuring nationally and internationally renowned speakers both from Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, as well as other leading healthcare institutions.
Daily Conferences
Resident Morning Report: A daily case conference held for all residents on Ambulatory and Elective rotations. Here, the Program Directors, Faculty and Chief Residents lead discussions focusing on advanced patient evaluation skills and advanced clinical reasoning skills. Presentations are mostly interactive case based discussions.
Noon Conference Series: Developed as a programmed yearly curriculum, this daily conference focuses on the core concepts that have been selected by our faculty curriculum committee as the critical components of the discipline of Internal Medicine.
- Interdisciplinary Conferences: Designed to expose residents to a variety of specialites both within and outside of internal medicine, these conferences include radiology rounds, EKG rounds, and hematopathology rounds.
- Board Review: A combination of faculty and chief resident-led, MKSAP-based sessions geared toward helping residents prepare for the ABIM examination.
These conferences are complemented by resident-led ambulatory, EBM and ICU presentations.
Weekly Conferences
Intern Report: A weekly case conference held exclusively for Interns. Here, the Chairman, Program Directors and Chief Residents lead discussions that review pathophysiology, the fundamentals of physical diagnosis and the early skills of clinical decision making.
Monthly Conferences
Journal Club: These monthly interactive, resident-led sessions are developed around a core curriculum that emphasizes the skills necessary to analyze and implement information conveyed in the medical literature.
QI Curriculum: This monthly conference is a combination of didactic sessions and near-miss root cause analyses designed to introduce residents to the basic principles of patient safety and quality improvement.
Morbidity and Mortality Conference: This departmental meeting focuses on cases that highlight systems issues that lead to undesirable patient outcomes. It provides a forum to discuss these issues and brainstorm solutions to improve our practice.
Special Conferences
Intern Lecture Series: Held at the beginning of each academic year, this innovative series is designed as a review of the fundamentals of clinical medicine. The topics covered provide interns with a hands-on approach to the tests and procedures they will come in contact with during the year. Among the topics covered are: EKGs, CXR Interpretation, Acid-Base Disorders, Ventilator Management, Antibiotic Selection, Central Line Insertion and Pre-Operative Evaluation.
Clinical-Pathological Conference: This annual conference is a special conference created to allow a select group of senior residents who have distinguished themselves in their clinical performance to discuss an unknown case. Here the resident acts as the case "discussant" to review the case and present a differential diagnosis and discussion of the case.