The department sponsors a fully accredited residency training program, fellowship programs, research fellowship programs, as well as education programs for medical students. A strong emphasis is placed on surgical training, multidisciplinary patient care and management, and clinical and basic sciences research endeavors for the advancement of the field. The great success of graduating residents from this program, both in private practice and academic tracks, is a testament to the quality of training here at Jefferson.
Research at Jefferson Otolaryngology
Research is an important mission in the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Thomas Jefferson University. Clinical databases have been created by members of our centers, including for our skull base and rhinology center, microvascular surgery patients, head and neck cancer patients and endocrine patients, facial plastic and reconstruction and sleep surgery. Additionally, the department conducts and participates in several clinical trials to afford novel therapeutics for our patients and to shape future medical treatment. Over the past few years, the department has expanded its research effort with the development of a basic science throid proteomics lab as well as translational resarch endeavors with animal models. Our residents consistently attend and present at major Otolaryngology conferences each year. Each postgraduate class takes on a quality improvement (QI) project annually to enhance the patient experience and devliery of care.
A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Patient Care
The department works closely in collaboration with the other departments within Jefferson, especially the Departments of Ophthalmology (Will's Eye Institute), Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology and Neurosurgery. We have fostered a close relationship with the Oculoplastics and Ocular Oncology Services at the Will's Eye Institute, one of the nation's leading eye hospitals, where we work with attending ophthalmologists to perform cutting-edge ocular surgery. We have also partnered with the Department of Neurosurgery to develop the Minimally Invasive Cranial Base Surgery and Endoscopic Neurosurgery Center co-directed by Dr. Marc Rosen and Dr. James Evans. Jefferson has one of the busiest skull base programs in the country and through the work of our center, we are continually working to push the boundaries of what is possible in endoscopic skull base surgery. In addition, our staff works together with the physicians and researchers of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Jefferson, a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated clinical cancer center for excellence in cancer care and research. Multidisciplinary meetings occur on a weekly basis and include Thyroid and Parathyroid Conference with the Division of Endocrinology as well as Tumor Board Conference where care plans are discussed with leaders int he field from Pathology, Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Oncology.
David Cognetti, MD
Chair, Department of Otolaryngology