Clinical volume at Jefferson is in the top tier of US residency programs, making for a very robust operative experience starting from the very first year of training. From day one, interns on our head and neck service serve as active participants in complex ablative and reconstructive cases. We run an average of 8-10 rooms daily. Our chief residents for the past three years have graduated with approximately 3,000 operative cases each (please refer to the key indicator operative procedures table provided). Residents are assigned to cases based on PGY level and experience-appropriate criteria, and are trained to become highly resourceful, confident and independent in the operating room under appropriate attending supervision. In addition, residents gain a tremendous amount of experience managing acute airway emergencies and become extremely well versed with both endoscopic and surgical approaches to the compromised airway.
Pioneering the effort of shaping resident education in Otolaryngology to maximize learning, skill-building and autonomy, our department values the ever increasing role of advanced practice providers in the day-to-day management of our patients on the floor. During the operative day, the in-patient and consultation services are overseen by our five skilled nurse practitioners team who communicate closely with the on-service residents. This enables our residents to focus on the surgical management of patients in the operating room during the day while developing excellent team-oriented leadership skills to direct patient care on the floor. All clinical decisions are ultimately the responsibility of our residents with oversight by our attending staff.
Another very unique aspect of our program is the experience gained by working closely with some of the other departments within Jefferson, especially the Departments of Ophthalmology (Will's Eye Institute) and Neurosurgery. We have fostered a close relationship with the Oculoplastics and Ocular Oncology Services at the Will's Eye Institute, one of the nation's leading eye hospitals. In addition to contributing to the care of patients with orbital and mid-face fractures, our residents work in close partnership with attending ophthalmologists to perform orbital exenterations, endoscopic dacrocystorhinostomies and endoscopic/transnasal orbital decompressions. The Department of Otolaryngology-HNS has also partnered with the Department of Neurosurgery to develop the Minimally Invasive Cranial Base Surgery and Endoscopic Neurosurgery Center co-directed by our Dr. Marc Rosen and neurosurgeon, Dr. James Evans. Jefferson has one of the busiest skull base programs in the country and through the work of our center, we are continually working to push the boundaries of what is possible in endoscopic skull base surgery.
The Department of Otolaryngology at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital has added fellowship positions in Rhinology & Skull Base Surgery, Advanced Oncologic Head & Neck Surgery and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Additionally, the Nemours/A.I. Dupont Pediatric Otolaryngology depatment has a fellowship position with whom the resident work closely. At Jefferson, the fellow presence has enhanced education and helped to spread out the clinical workload without negatively impacting resident case load diversity.
Additional benefits our residents enjoy include the provision of a full set of Baileys texts upon entrance to the program, as well as an annual book selected by the chief residents. Subscriptions to each of the major journals as well as membership dues for the major societies are also provided in order to keep our residents current. Furthermore, multiple academic and skill-based courses are provided to the residents throughout the year for their continued learning. Lastly, poster and podium presentations at both regional and national conferences are supported by the department. Attendance at local meetings, such as the Philadelphia Laryngological Society and Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology are highly encouraged as well. Additionally, Jefferson residents attend and participate in conferences hosted by the Otolaryngology department, including the annual sialendoscopy course.
Camaraderie and morale are key to the Jefferson experience and group events are both encouraged and supported by the department. Examples include the annual Philadelphia Sports Club Kickball season, pre-chief retreat for the PGY-4’s in April, and Philadelphia Blue Cross Broad Street 10-Miler.