Walter Kraft, MD, MS, FACP, serves as a Program Co-Director of the training program. After medical school at the University of Pittsburgh (’91-95), he served as intern, resident, and chief resident in medicine at Jefferson (’95-99). Following a two-year fellowship in this program, he joined the faculty. Presently, he serves as the Director of the Clinical Research Unit and of the Division of Pharmacology and Physiology in the department of Pharmacology, Physiology and Cancer Biology. He has secondary appointments in the Departments of Surgery and Medicine, and maintains a clinical practice in vascular medicine. His research focuses on treating the neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, anticoagulant PK, and phase I clinical trials with an emphasis in first-in-human and experimental medicine trials in both healthy volunteers, neonates, and special populations. Dr. Kraft is Director of the Office of Human Research Protection, which oversees the 18 hospital Jefferson Health and University Institutional Review Boards (IRB). He is a national leader in clinical pharmacology organizations, serving as the immediate past President of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT) and chair of the FDA Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Pharmacology Advisory Committee (through 2026). Past leadership includes as a trustee and executive board member of American Board of Clinical Pharmacology (’07-12), board of directors for the Association of Clinical Pharmacology Units (’10-12), and chair of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP) meeting program committee (’15). In the past 15 years he has served on 28 NIH and PCORI review panels. He is Jefferson representative to the United States Pharmacopeia (‘07-19, ‘24-). He has a variety of awards, most recently Faculty Team Achievement Award (2019), Henry W. Elliott Distinguished Service Award (2022), and the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Education (2022), and Provosts award in Institutional Service (2023). He has advised 42 clinical pharmacology fellows and has served on 47 master’s or PhD students’ thesis committees.
Dr. Kraft's Bibliography at the National Library of Medicine