Acute Care Surgery
Murray Cohen, MD
Division Director
1100 Walnut Street
Medical Office Building, 7th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Contact Number(s):
Our faculty members head funded research projects, publish in peer-reviewed journals, author book chapters and present frequently at local and national conferences.
We also work closely with other groups to promote awareness, research and prevention of injury.
Recent Publications
- Utilization of Suprathel® in delayed surgical management of toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN): A case report
- Impact of catastrophic brain injury guidelines on organ donation rates: Results of an EAST multicenter trial
- Instituting a Palliative Care Trigger in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU): Survey Results of SICU Team Members
- Maximizing wound coverage in full-thickness skin defects: A randomized-controlled trial of autologous skin cell suspension and widely meshed autograft versus standard autografting
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Operative Experience among General Surgery Residents: A Multi-Institutional Study from the US ROPE Consortium
- A multi-institutional study from the US ROPE consortium examining factors associated with endocrine surgery exposure for general surgery residents
- Correction: Clinical outcomes in patients with complicated appendicitis (Surgical Endoscopy, (2024), 38, 1, (384-389), 10.1007/s00464-023-10503-1)
- Defining the Disparity: A Multi-Institutional Analysis of Factors Associated With Decreased Resident Operative Experience
- Clinical outcomes in patients with complicated appendicitis
- Promoting a health-centered approach to acute mental health crises on college campuses: The case for collegiate-based emergency medical services
- Characteristics and outcomes of cardiac arrests reported in the national collegiate emergency medical services foundation data registry
- A Statewide Analysis of Self-Inflicted Injuries During COVID-19 Pandemic: Is There Adequate Access to Mental Health?
- Predictors of initial management failure in traumatic hemothorax: A prospective multicenter cohort analysis
- Assessing the Feasibility and Implementation of Palliative Care Triggers in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit to Improve Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Patient and Family Care
- Disparities in the Operative Experience Between Female and Male General Surgery Residents: A Multi-institutional Study From the US ROPE Consortium
- Trauma Incidence During the New Jersey COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Order: A Multicenter Study
- Increase in Motor Vehicle Crash Severity: An Unforeseen Consequence of COVID-19
- Preface
- General Surgery Residency Survival Guide
- A multi-institutional study from the US ROPE Consortium examining factors associated with directly entering practice upon residency graduation
Jefferson Center for Injury Research & Prevention (JCIRP)
A collaborative partnership of the Department of Surgery and the Jefferson College of Nursing. Our mission is to save life and reduce disability through collaborative research that inspires global solutions to prevent injury.