Our multidisciplinary Chest Wall Care team specializes in diagnosing, managing and treating chest wall disorders and injuries using advanced technology and minimally invasive methods. Our surgeons and specialists team together to focus on your needs and helping you return to an active life.

Thoracic & Esophageal Surgery
211 South 9th Street
Suite 300
Philadelphia, PA 19107
We are the largest program in Philadelphia committed to minimally invasive thoracic surgery, which typically offers smaller incisions, shorter hospital stays, less pain and faster recoveries.
We also perform the highest volume of robotic thoracic surgeries, minimally invasive VATS (video-assisted thoracic surgery) lobectomies, minimally invasive esophagectomies and minimally invasive reflux procedures in the Philadelphia area.
Our thoracic surgeons perform a wide range of procedures to treat diseases and conditions affecting organs in the chest (thorax).
Chest Wall Disorders Center
Thoracic & Esophageal Surgery Program
When you or someone you care about needs thoracic surgery, turn to the experts. Our team performs a wide range of procedures to treat diseases and conditions affecting organs in the chest (thorax).